Jack Frost and the Guardians can also be seen by adults theory

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You guys read the title right; I'm 99.9999% sure that not only children can see the Guardians, but also adults can too!

You guys: Hold the phone! We clearly see n the movie that NO adults can see Jack whizzing through the air or when the Guardians are fighting Pitch! this theory blows (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

XD you said "whiz!" But I can see where you're coming from; it's obviously implied in Rise of the Guardians that only children can see them, and that is if the children believe in them. BUT...it's only implied, not proven. Granted, we do see Jack Frost flying through the air right behind Jamie in one scene, passing many adults, and all they say is "Whoa that's some really cold wind." not "OMFG, DO YOU SEE THAT GUY WITH WHITE HAIR FLYING?!?!" And when he first became Jack Frost, everyone was walking right through him, indicating that no one believed in him. So maybe you guys are right. Maybe children are the only people who can see them. :/

You guys: *inhales to say something*


You guys: *GROAN* Aw man, I thought you were done with this terrible theory!

You guys won't be thinking it's terrible for much longer because there is some pretty rock solid evidence you need to consider. Sure, RotG had us thinking that children were the only ones who could see the Guardians and they almost fooled me. ALMOST. It wasn't until I thought of these key plot holes from the movie that got me thinking otherwise:

1. They say you have to believe in the Guardians to see them, not be a child

2. The Guardians are able to touch human made objects and not pass through them, like when Jack frosts a window, so even people who don't believe in them can see the things they do

3. If Santa gives gifts, Bunnymund gives out Easter eggs, and Tooth takes baby teeth in exchange for money, how would the adults not notice?

4. You can't tell me that during that HUGE fight against Pitch at the end or even the one when Sandy "died" that nobody, NOBODY, noticed ANY of that shit go down besides the seven little kids that were there. I REFUSE to believe that.

Have I got your attention now???

You guys: (  一_一) Yes...

Awesome sauce. So for the first point, since it's the most important, did you ever once hear North or any of the Guardians state that adults couldn't believe in them? The right answer would be no since there's no mention of this in the entire movie. Not only do they not confirm this to be true, they completely gloss over this topic. Maybe because they think that all adults lose their childlike faith the more they get older, and this is true for most adults. But there's always an exception to contrary belief. Who's to say that there isn't some adults that believe in the Guardians for whatever reason just like kids can? Nobody, that's who! Adults have have just has much capability to believe in anything children can, but with them being boring adults who believe in logic rather than magic, they think it's stupid and childish to believe in Santa Claus. UGH, it makes me sick.

On to the next point! We see in the movie that the Guardians, mainly Jack Frost, can touch things made by humans instead of passing through them like they do with people. This makes them able to, I don't know, walk on telephone polls or frost a window, but that's just a couple of examples. What about when Jack makes that adorable snow bunny that hops around Jamie's room and explodes snow-feti all over the place? Jamie was able to see all that happen without even believing in Jack Frost, so we can assume, no, concur that this would work with adults. All Jack would have to is do the exact same thing in some random strangers house and they would believe, so the question is...what's stopping him from doing so? I'll come back to this question, but first I want to get through the final point.

The third point is pretty self-explanatory.  With Santa giving gifts, Bunny setting up Easter eggs, and the tooth fairies taking kids' teeth, it's fair to say that parents everywhere would notice these things happening. Just imagine you're a parent on Christmas morning, your child gets a present that you know you or anyone else in your family bought, and it says "From: Santa"? There's only one logical explanation: Santa Claus is real and he gave your child a present! So why wouldn't you believe in him? Clearly all the evidence is pointing towards them being real so why does it seem that all adults are turning a blind eye to any of the Guardians being real? Well, I have a theory on that.

You guys: Well no shit, Sherlock.

*sigh* I'll let that one slide since I haven't updated in awhile. 

Anyway, I believe the Guardians are fully aware of the fact that adults could believe in them, but having adults believe in them would go against their morals. There's something about a child's untainted and basically gullible belief system; they don't need any kind of persuading because they willingly trust in the power of the Guardians. And even though they could show themselves to anyone who doesn't believe in them, they don't want to make people believe in them; they want people to believe in them on their own accord and that's why children will only see the Guardians. 

So what did you guys think of the theory? Post your thoughts in the comments below or your own theories on your favorite movies, shows,and anime. You know I love hearing from you guys so please type some words (a hi or hey would be awesome) And I'm sorry for not updating in like forever; I've just been busy with stupid school stuff and life in general so thanks a bunch for being so patient.  Bye my lovelies! (^3^) <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2016 ⏰

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