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"Are we ready for the Executive?"
"Almost. But, Chapunski, we really should test it one more time, just incase it does
something different, we don't want to mess up now."
"Like it'll do anything different. We just need to get the money and we're home free. For now we don't have time for that. It needs to get funded today or your cure is going to be shut down." The population is lower than it's ever been. People are dying faster than they can be born and we're at human extinction. Every day we lose 1,000 to 70,000 people. Farmland is disappearing due to the farmers getting sick. The Earth is becoming a wasteland of dead bodies. That's why I decided to stop it.

I'm Chase Bellaron and I'm a CIA protected scientist and little do they know, superior
criminal mastermind. Locked up twice, bailed both times. I'm the second in command in my gang, you could say. Also the cause of this. We needed to get the opposing gangs out of the picture, but it backtracked but, hey it'll work out. Give the peasants the cure, rule the world! I'll even be second in command. Back to the government. The government gathered up twenty of the best scientists when they noticed the high fatality rate. I was one of the twenty. We are the world's last hope. Not just for America, but the world.

Today is the day. The day I get to be the only one out of the twenty to get funded. If you don't get funded, you stay in temporary containment, but you don't even get remembered. Good thing I'm the one, and I know it, statistics said so. Everyone else has a pathetic cure like vaccines and special containment. Not me! I went a step further. I made my cure into a miracle, only attempted years ago. But I've perfected it, the task of bringing back life. We don't need vaccines, we need the dead to come back. Exactly why I'm going to get funded for my cure.

"Bellaron! Do you hear me? We need to get a test subject and get ready for the Executive!" That's Charles "Charlie" Chapunski yelling at me. He's my assistant and also a criminal, escape artist actually. He also thinks he's my boss. He was assigned to me by 'surprise' the second day of working so I could get my work done faster. He completed his purpose too. He helped me contain the failed experiments and gather test subjects. He told me I should do this. We're doing this because also, there's a money reward, about 40 million. He's not pathetic like the rest of them. They don't even deserve the money. But back to the experiments. The experiments were always in pain. They weren't alive, but they weren't dead. They always came back and then started to almost, well, melt. But they didn't die. As they say, No pain, No gain.

"B­E­L­L­A­R­O­N. We have to work or else we'll never get the money! Get the syringe
ready and a bottle of the cure. I'm doing an experiment." I should get ready, this does mean a lot, if we don't get the money we'd have to perform plan B. Plan B is that our coworker would disguise us perfectly, take out some people, and get funded. Anyway, I started to head over to the gray cabinets of the gray, and plain, laboratory. The floors were white tiles, with small black outlines around it. It almost looked like a kitchen. The doors to the rest of the facility were heavy metal doors, ones for a space shuttle, in case someone's experiment went wrong, they could just seal the door and boom, no dying. Suddenly without warning the doors opened. I tensed up, almost dropping the cure. I need to be careful. Then I realized that it wasn't just an assistant, it was the Executive. He was a tall man, about 6'3", with a buzz cut and a suit similar to a general's suit. He's almost intimidating.

"Hello Mr.Bellaron, I've come to see your experiment." Finally! This is my chance, but I
shouldn't do this. I should test it again. I should... but I can't, it should work how the rest have, start to move, melt, groan. It'll be fine. I have to perform in front of him. We walked down the small hallway near the door to where the dead body laid. I walked slowly so I could explain the experiments in the small cages by the door.

"This one here was our first one, He died of a virus. We cleansed his body and injected
him with my cure. He came back but he was a failure, his skin began to melt due to an acid in it that ate away at the skin."
"Is he still living?" The Executive murmured.
"Yes." That word left my mouth harshly. I almost felt bad for the guy. Walking around the
small cage in agony. I can't be guilty. I don't care about that, all I care about is getting the money.
"Continue." and I did.
"This is our second experiment. After we adjusted the cure, It went very well except for it
caused cancer for the subject." I looked at the subject. This one was a female. I think it was donated by one of the employees. It's his daughter. She has a large tumor coming off her body from her temple to the back of her head where it meets her spinal cord halfway across her head. It was swollen about half a foot off her head. I could tell she was in pain. Moving on.

"The next one here was one of our best reactions. Only a small breathing problem was
made." The Executive could tell it wasn't a small breathing problem. We had to cut a hole in the man's neck and stick a breathing tube in.
"Shall we get to the presentation?" I walked over to the table, not bothering to do the other 14 experiments lined the walls. I peeked at the dead body's face. Half mauled.
"I'll stand back as you present." The Executive said that he was afraid of it. Why
was he afraid, it's probably going to be paralyzed this time, for god's sake. I walked over to the table and picked up the syringe. I grabbed the small bottle with the liquid cure inside. I put the needle through the top. I pulled the small handle slowly, eased out the needle, and looked at it for a second.
"Well, Bellaron? What are you waiting for?" Chapunski whispered into my ear. I snapped
out of my small trance and looked at the subject. It's a man, with his face half mauled covered with dried blood. The other half was beginning to hollow out. He looked around my age, 30. I looked at his jugular. I have to inject the cure into the artery on his neck. I slowly put my hand close to his chest and slowly pushed the needle into the dead man's skin. Slowly I pressed down the small handle on the syringe. The cure was inside him. I pulled out the now empty syringe and stepped back a little. We all stared at it.
"Will it move?" the Executive whispered, his voice quivered a bit.
"Eventually." I responded gently.
"Eventu-­" I couldn't respond before the man rose. He sat up slowly looking around. Then stared right at me. He looked dead still. His head lurched to look around the room a bit. He suddenly lunged at me. I fell backwards to the ground screaming. I couldn't get away.

"DON'T STAND THERE HELP ME, YOU IDIOTS!" The Executive were already going to
the door and Chapunski ran over to grab me. That's when the man bit down, but it wasn't on me, it was Chapunski. Chapunski's neck is now bleeding like crazy and he falls.
"Thanks for the help, Buddy." I said quickly before I looked at the Executive. He's out the
door running away. The door shuts. The man looks at me. I get up as fast as possible, running to the farthest part of the laboratory. He slowly started to make his way toward me. Then he darted at me, he is extremely quick. He caught up to me without a problem. I turned left down the hall where we got our supplies. It's a dead end. I stare back from against the wall. My forehead drips with sweat, I hyperventilate. "Please no!" I close my eyes tightly as the man lunges at me, It all flashes in front of my mind. How I got in this mess. Chapunski had heard about this project. He knew my cover was a
brilliant scientist. He wanted me to get in better with the boss after I messed up our President assassination. I missed and it hit the Vice President. We had to go into hiding for 2 months. That was my fault, and now it's my fault Chapunski is dead.
"Remember this, it's your fault. Idiots like you are the reason humans are going to be
extinct." The man says in a deep gruff distorted voice. Then I feel the front of my neck bleed. It's my fault. The man stumbled out of the room quickly. Leaving me to die. Is it my fault? I laid there bleeding as I heard screams. Come help me. Then it slowly got quiet, he was letting me live. The man stumbled in again and looked at me. Please someone help me, I'm sorry.
"This is a warning to you idiot humans." His deep voice said.
"Do this again, I won't let any of you live." Then he brought up his fists, down they came
onto my head. It's my fault and now I've paid for it for the last time....

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