Chapter 1

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I sighed as I walked through school, Dani smiling at me. "I see Jason, so I'll meet up with you later." She grinned, hugging me and running to her boyfriend, the two instantly making out. I'm happy for her, I really am. She's just so happy with her boyfriend. They've been going out for a few years now, since the beginning of freshman year of high school. I sighed and went to my locker, entering in the pin that's been stuck in my brain for months. I opened the locker, softly smiling at the picture of Dani and me standing on the beach at Lake Michigan in our swimsuits. She was in a black and white bikini, I was in a blue one-piece. I giggled softly at the memories and put some books away, closing my locker. "Whatcha giggling at, Sam?" I jumped, holding my chest where my heart was. Damn that British beauty.

"Dani, I thought you were with Jason."

"And leave my best friend all alone? Hell no!" She looped her arm around mine and started walking. I looked her up and down, sighing. Long purple hair. Straight, just like her. Her bright green eyes popped out against her tan skin tone. "Sam." She waved her hand in front of my face.

"Huh?" I looked up at her, a soft blush on my cheeks.

She softly giggled. "We've been standing by maths for five minutes."

"Well why didn't you tell me?" I put my hand on my hip, pouting.

"I did." She laughed, pulling me into the classroom by my hand. We took our regular seats in the back where no one could bother us. She always does this. Pulling me around, not knowing what it's doing to my heart, and I surely can't let it show. That would screw up our whole friendship. Plus, who knows what her boyfriend thinks of me already. I sighed and got out my notebook, writing the notes that the teacher had on the whiteboard. My right hand rested on my neck as my blonde, wavy hair in a ponytail fell over my arm, it being long enough to reach the middle of my back. Feeling someone staring at me, I slowly looked up, just in time to see Dani look back at the teacher. She wasn't just... Was she? A soft pink tint slowly appeared on her cheeks. She was! But... Why? I shook my head slightly and looked back down at my notebook, trying to free my mind of Dani. But she's so cute, it's almost impossible to forget about her. We've been friends since third grade, and around fifth grade, I realized that what I felt for her wasn't normal. I tried and tried to ignore it, but then she'd do something that would make my heart skip a beat. Ever since then, I just let my crush grow and grow, but I've never let it show. It's gotten harder, though. Even the smallest thing, a smile, a touch, would make my heart go crazy. Hell, she doesn't even know I'm gay. "Sam." She whispered, gently shoving me.

I looked up at her. "What?"

"You've been drawing on your notes." I looked down and softly groaned when I saw scribbles all over my perfect notes. "Don't worry, I'll give you mine later."

"Thanks. You're a life saver." I smiled at her, the pink tint returning to her face.

She looked away, softly coughing. "It's nothing." I'm certainly imagining all of this. I packed up my things when the bell rang, standing from my seat and going to the door. Jason was already standing there, waiting for Dani. I rolled my eyes and walked past him, going to my locker and dialing the combo, putting some books away and grabbing some others, closing my locker. "What's got you in a huff?" I jumped and she giggled. "Sorry."

"Must you always sneak up on me, Daniella?" I sighed, turning and walking away.

She quickly caught up. "Yes. I love scaring you, Samantha. It's almost as good as tickling you."

"I swear, if you tickle me, I'm shoving this pencil in your eye." I glared at her, lifting up my sharp pencil towards her. She put her hands up defensively, putting them back down as we made our way to our next class.

"But you're so cute when you can't stop laughing." She softly smiled at me. I looked down at the floor as we walked, softly blushing. Stop it. She doesn't mean it. She's just being friendly. She doesn't mean it like the way you're taking it. "Samantha?" Dani gently grabbed my arm and turned me towards her, electricity shooting throughout my arm and into the rest of my body. I shivered at the touch, hoping Dani didn't notice. "Samantha, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I looked down, moving my arm out of her grip. It didn't stay like that, as she put her hand right back on my arm.

"Samantha Lynn James, we've been best friends for years. What is going on?" Oh shit. Full name. "And don't tell me it's nothing. I know when something is bothering you."

I looked down before looking back up. "I like someone."

"That's what's bothering you?" She giggled. I rolled my eyes and ripped my arm out of her grip, walking again to class. "Wait, Sam." She caught up. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be laughing if it's bothering you this much. But... Why does it?"

"Because they're dating someone. I don't have a single chance."

"How do you know that? They could break up." I snorted. Dani and Jason break up? Yeah right.

"Dani, as much as I love your positivity, I don't think that's going to happen." I walked in the classroom and sat in the back, Dani taking a seat next to me. "Besides, I've liked this person for years. I think I can go the rest of my life hiding it from them."

"You shouldn't wait that long to tell someone you like them, Sam." She frowned. I shrugged and put my earphones in my ears, turning on some music while we waited for the teacher.

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