Chapter I: Return

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Several years after Lucifer left his friends are still hunting, they all being twenty five now. We find them in a warehouse meeting with one of Michaels seraphs for a sort of talk.

"So you showed up, that's a suprise." Laney says.

"Bite your tongue, Afilem." The angel scoffs. Laney growls and backs off. Izmar walks up and throws a bag holding the angel tablet onto the ground.

"Now for your part." Izmar grunts.

"Where's Lucifer."

"I don't know." He smirks. "No one knows. Except maybe God, but good luck with that. He won't even talk to Angels."

"Fine. Then you won't get the tablet." Izmar spits and grabs the bag, walking off.

The Angel throws Izzy into a wall and walks over towards her, smirking, "Did you honestly...think I'd just let you leave with that?" He points to the bag. Izmar grunts and tries to move out of the Angel's grasp, not succeeding. Laney pulls her knife from her jacket coat and rushes the Angel. The Angel twists Laney's arm and dislocates it, kicking her down then ducking as Nathan's Hand Of God hits the ground behind the Angel. The Angel forces a fist into Nathan's stomach and grabs him by the throat, slamming him into the concrete ground.

"I'll be taking this now, or, is that not okay with you?" The Angel mocks. Izmar gets up and stabs the Angel in the side as he turns around.

"Mmm...Ya know...I was going to let you live." The Angel says and spins around, planting the back of his fist into Izmar's temple. She's knocked back a few feet and left unconscious, blood starting to flow from her nose. Nathan and Laney are up by then, approaching the Angel. The Angel snaps and several soldiers appear with Angelic guns and new armor, a squad lined up and aimed at ready. The Angel puts up his arm and turns, "You look surprised. Well, without Lucifer mucking things up in Heaven we were able to move forward and advance our technology. Thank you for the ideas to build off." He swings his arm down and the soldier prepare to fire.

The warehouse shutter breaks and flies towards the line of soldiers, hitting three of the five.

"The Hell?!" The Angel shouts.

Lucifer walks into the room, hair longer and the front left slicked back and swept right flowing with his former hair style now platinum silver. A long, torn, black coat flowing to the bottom of his knees. His muscle still toned and skin a bit darker with a few new scars and a tattooed sleeve of Enochian symbols.

                                                                                       (Lucifer's perspective)

The soldiers turn and fire upon me, several bullets streaming towards my body. I fade into the shadow and appear behind one of the soldiers, shoving my hand through his chest. The second soldier turns and I grab his throat, crushing his windpipe. Throwing the body aside I release a breath and knee the Angel a few feet away in the stomach before he can move. I grab him by the throat and raise him to eye level. "I don't know what you were thinking of doing here... But no one hurts Izmar like that, I don't care if Father tried, I'd do the same to him..." I release another breath and snap his neck, then drop his body and walk over to Izmar. I put a finger on the middle of her forehead and heal her wounds. I pick up Izmar and start to walk off.

"Lu-" Laney's cut off by Nathan as he grabs her shoulder, shaking his head. She looks down and follows several feet behind me. Nathan keeps pace with Laney and they walk to the car.

"I'll take her home, meet us there." I say blatantly and disappear, Izmar still semi-curled up in my arms.

I appear infront of the house and take in a long breath. "It's been a while." I walk in and lie Izmar on her bed, turning around and taking a step away.

"You've been gone for seven years... You're not going to leave me here alone again." She says still half asleep.

I nod and take off everything but my cut up black jeans and lie down, wrapping her in my arms, "I love you." I mumble into her hair.

"I love you too." She says with her head buried in my chest. I slowly drift off to sleep and begin to recap the last seven years.

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