-=-Chapter 1-=-

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                Feliciano walked down the cobblestone road that went through the small town. He was out getting groceries for the dinner he was going to make him and Ludwig tonight. He was going to head back home for he had everything he came to get but Feliciano still had a bit of time till dinner had to be made so he decided to do a bit of window shopping.

Feliciano came across a mirror shop. He glanced into the window that showed the inside of the store as his eyes glanced around the store his gaze landed on a golden hand mirror. "It's beautiful...!" Feliciano whispered excitedly and he decided to go into the store.

Was inside he instantly went over to the mirror but was careful not to knock anything over. He took a gentle hold on the mirrors handle and smiled not bothering to look into it as he brought it to the cashier.

The cashier's eyes widened slightly then chuckled seeing the mirror. Feliciano tilted his head "Excuse me? What's so funny?" Feliciano asked nicely glancing at the mirror while getting out his wallet. "Well it's just, people around here say it's cursed." The cashier explained. "What? That-That's ridiculous!" Feliciano laughed nervously as he paid for the mirror. The cashier only hummed a bit and wrapped the mirror in some bubble wrap then putting it in a back.

Feliciano bid them a due and headed back home noticing that it was getting closer to dinner time.

When Feliciano did get home he took care of the food he bought before taking the mirror out of the bag.

Feliciano sat down on the couch and unwrapped the mirror. He held it up and examined the mirror for a moment. Feliciano then looked into the mirror with a smile but the smile faded quickly when he watched his normally caramel colored eyes had been glazed over with a crimson red.

Feliciano shook his head thinking back on what the cashier said and chuckled nervously setting the mirror on the coffee table that stood in front of the couch. "T-That's ridiculous!" Feliciano laughed and stood up. "I-I'll go check on Ludwig and see if he's ready for dinner or not!" Feliciano said nervously and went upstairs.

Feliciano walked down the hall and knocked on one of the doors. "Luddy?!~ Ludwig?" Feliciano asked and opened the door. To see Ludwig sitting at his desk working quietly.

"Ludwig you've been working all day! Come make dinner with me?~" Feliciano sang out. Ludwig let out a groan and glanced at Feliciano then shook his head. "In a little bit. I need to finish this paper work." Ludwig answered and went back to writing and reading documents.

Feliciano pouted but knew arguing would just making Ludwig annoyed and not want to join for dinner.

Feliciano headed back down stairs to wait for Ludwig to be done with his work. He yawned a bit and collapsed onto the couch with a huff of air. "Maybe I'll just sleep till Ludwig is ready for me to make dinner..." Feliciano said happily and closed his eyes and drifted into a calming sleep.

Feliciano's eyes open and looked around curiously but all he saw was pitch black darkness. "Hello?" Feliciano asked curiously. Feliciano gasped when he heard his friends' voices.

"Feliciano! Stop being so weak and pick up your pace!" He heard Ludwig yell from the darkness.

"Feliciano please stop being so, open, about your body." He could here Kiku speak calmly but also nervously.

"Dammit you idiot! Stop being so stupid!" He heard his own brother yell at him.

The voices kept going around Feliciano. Feliciano began to whimper and cover his ears but his eyes widened when he saw a figure walk up to him.

Said figure look exactly like Feliciano but his hair was rustier, his eyes were red, his skin a bit more tan and he was wearing a tanned uniform.

Feliciano managed to open his mouth and stutter out a question of. "Who-Who are you?..."

The figure stood there and seemed to stand there and think for a moment before grinning. "I'm you of course, just a, you that is very deep within your mind. You can call me, Luciano." The figure, Luciano, spoke with a chuckle.

Feliciano looked confused. "W-Why are you here?" Feliciano asked with fear taking over his voice.

"I'm here to help you of course! I'm you as well, I just want what's best for you!" Luciano spoke with a smile that looked like it shouldn't even be there.

"Help me?... Help me with what?..." Feliciano spoke and backed up a bit.

"Help you be stronger! Make it so no one speaks so poorly of you again!" Luciano explained and took a step forward for every step Feliciano took back.

"Make me... stronger?" Feliciano asked curiously.

"Yes, I can. All you have to do is say that you allow me to." Luciano said and put his hand out.

Feliciano hesitated for a moment and took Luciano's hand. "I-I allow you to help... me" Feliciano spoke in a hushed tone and a bright white light over took his vision.

Feliciano groaned as he woke up and glanced beside him at the mirror that was left on the table. W-what... What is this? Why can't I... Why can't I move?! Feliciano thought with fear.

"Oh shut up and stop freaking out you're giving me a damn headache." The words came out of Feliciano's mouth as his body picked the mirror up to look in to its reflective surface.


Feliciano's body was replace by the figure he had met in his dream. His hair was now darker and his eyes were now blood red. "Don't worry, I'm doing as you asked. No one talks poorly of me and the few who have didn't live very long." Luciano laughed. He grinned when he heard someone coming down the stairs.

"Feliciano? Feliciano who are you talking to? Please tell me that isn't your brother I hear..." Ludwig sighed as he turned to look at Feliciano but he met eye to eye with someone who looked similar to Feliciano but was not.

"Er, Lovino? Is that you?" Ludwig asked in confusion.

Luciano groaned and walked past Ludwig and into the kitchen. Ludwig followed Luciano out of pure confusion and curiosity. "Lovino where is Feliciano?" Ludwig asked with a sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

Luciano chuckled and took a hold of one of the kitchen knives. "Answer me this 'Ludwig' does Lovino have red eyes?" Luciano said with a grin as he turned and ran toward Ludwig holding the knife.

Ludwig's eyes widened and grabbed onto Luciano's arms. "Y-You're correct. So w-who the hell are you and where is Feliciano!?" Ludwig stuttered out as he struggled to keep the knife away from his skin.

Luciano laughed and continued to try and drive the knife into Ludwig's shoulder. "Call me, Luciano~" He laughed but groaned when Ludwig pinned Luciano to the wall. Luciano growled when he was forced to drop the knife to the ground.

Ludwig dragged Luciano into the dining room and grabbed some rope. Ludwig tied Luciano to chair. "Where the hell is Feliciano?!" Ludwig asked angrily.

Luciano glared at him "Nothing~ He's still fucking here." Luciano ground out and struggled with the rope.

Ludwig narrowed his eyes "I need to make a phone call. You stay there." Ludwig explained and walked out taking out his phone.

"Kiku? Ja, I need you to come over quickly. Something has happened to Feliciano and I can tell it isn't good." Ludwig explained and hung up when Kiku agreed to be over ASAP.

Ludwig decided he should go look up anything about this and he went upstairs to his office to find some books that might help with this matter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2016 ⏰

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