Buried Hope

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A/N this is just a taster for a future story!


I blinked, or tried to at least. My eyelids seemed heavier than usual and it was using a lot of effort to open them; I could also feel my head slightly spinning. My hand was on some fabric that felt sticky and cold, it felt nothing like my bed cover.

To my left I could hear some sort of noise, it sounded like snoring but my earring was crackled.

The air smelt stale and had a horrible taste. Where ever I was wasn't cleaned regularly.

Slowly I opened my left eye, then closed it and reopened it again. In from if me was a wall. The room was barely visible due to poor lighting. It seemed the bulb above my head didn't have long until it stopped working. The light continuously flickered, which did not help my headache.

I swivelled my eyes around to see what else was in my eye range. To my left along the wall was a door with a circle window. To my right was a large pane on class that would seem to be a window if it wasn't for the brown dirt behind it.

I was lying on some sort big seat that had the horrible patterns that bus seats have. On it was a few pieces of dried chewing gun and stains from god knows what else.

Mainly out if pure disgust I willed my self to sit up. I placed both my hands on the edge of the seat and pushed with all the energy I could muster.

My head span and I could feel my stomach swirling but it was worth it.

The next thing I did was search for the source of sound. If it was snoring as I presumed them I wasn't alone in whatever this was.

To my left on a seat similar to mine was a boy. Well I was assuming it was a boy because all I could see was a scruffy short black haircut and even scruffier jeans.

I coughed as if that could wake him up. When it didn't I sighed and went to stand up.

My legs buckled beneath my and my chest wheezed as I took a breath but I managed to stable myself. I let go of the back of the seat and held onto the wall instead. My head was still spinning and the drowsiness was only starting to wear off.

I took a few feeble steps towards the unconscious boy and fell to my knees. I was going to kneel but my legs couldn't withstand that movement yet.

Most of his face was covered by his shaggy hair but I could now see for certain he was a male. I could also see he was tanned with prominent features, reasonably good looking from what I could see.

I coughed again, not to wake him this time but because my chest felt clogged. However this time he stirred and his nose twitched in an adorable way.

Slowly I moved my hand to his face and moved his hair. I placed my hand on his forehead and felt he had a temperature, then I placed my other hand on my own forehead feeling the same temperature. Whatever was happening to me had also happened to him.

I moved my hand to his cheek and gently slapped it trying to wake him up. Again he stirred but didn't waken.

From behind me there was a loud creaking noise and I could feel my blood pumping faster. So without thinking I slapped him, hard.

This time he did move and jumped up before groaning and sitting back down. He cupped his head in his hands and groaned again. I knew how he felt so I left him for a few seconds before talking.

"H-hello." My voice was so quiet and low I didn't hear what I said. "How are you feeling?" I raised my voice this time and my words cracked. This boy looked up at me. Looking me straight in the eyes. He had brown eyes, a nice brown and they were mesmerising. My green eyes were probably covered by my fringe but he still managed to bore his eyes into mine. I looked down, I'd always found eye contact awkward for some reason.

"What's go-going on?" It sounded as though he had just been crying but that was because his voice was raspy for whatever reason. I still had no idea what was wrong with me, or him. But I felt drained and my brain couldn't function properly. "Who are you? Where are we?"

"I'm Eveline, but you can call me Eve or Eva or whatever really. I think we're in a train car from what I can tell but I can't see out of this windows. I have no idea how I got here and I'm... scared." I hated to admit I was scared to a stranger but I had to. He made a noise and looked around.

There wasn't much to see, eight seats, threes tables, two doors at each end, one escape door on the ceiling and windows along the sides. Definitely a train car.

"My names Alex, call my Alexander and I'll get mad." He gave a throaty laugh and looked back at me. "How the hell did we get in here?" I shrugged and looked back at him.

"What do you remember last?" I asked him, trying to remember my memories. Alex frowned and furrowed his eyebrows.

"I can't really remember. I think I was walking home from school, past the park. The last thing I remember is sitting on the park bench. What do you remember?"

"I was in the park near my house, Callas Park? I was sitting in the swing waiting for my friend." His eyes widened and I said the name if the park and I knew it was the park he was in too.

"So how did we end up in the train?" He laughed again then said, "were we kidnapped or something?" But I didn't laugh, maybe he was closer to the truth than he thought.

"Why would they take us though?" I stood up and looked around. I was starting to feel better and everything was making more sense. Maybe we had been taken and placed in this train car. But why?

I walked around for a little, giving Alex time to compose himself. Near the back of the train on one of the tables was a note. I hadn't noticed it the first few times I had circled the area but now I was eager to see what it said. I dived forward and picked it up, my eyes couldn't focus on the words yet.

"Hey Alex, there's a note here!" I shouted due to excitement. When I looked back at the note my eyes had adjusted slightly and I could read it. "Dear Alex and Eve, as you may have realised so far you are in a train. What you may not know is the reason why. I'm not going to tell you this straight away but soon enough you will know. Now you have twenty four hours for each task, do not complete the task and you will not get food. You can't go long without food. Your parents have been informed and they have there only little tasks to do. Think of it as a game of dares, don't complete the dare and you will die. Be warned kids we know everything." I looked at Alex and gulped, what had we gotten ourselves into.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2013 ⏰

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