Fred Weasley's Death (a random poem)

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That is all I felt.

My sobbing heart.

That is all I heard.

Salty tears.

That is all I tasted.

The sweet scent of his blood.

That is all I smelt.

His dead body.

That's all I saw.

I could not breathe.

I could not speak.

I could not utter the scream that

My mouth was open to scream.

Tears rolled into my open mouth.

Horror numbed my disbelieving brain

As I watched his family sob over his body.

No Slytherin could love a Gryffindor.

That is why I had no friends.

That is why my whole house hated me.

Because they knew.

And he didn't.

He didn't know I was alive.

He didn't know I existed.

He didn't know that a lonely girl

Wasted all her dreams on him.

Wasted all her love on him.

Wasted all her time on him.

I was the only Slytherin to come back.

The only Slytherin to fight the Dark Lord.

And I fought for him.

For him I killed my family's friends.

For him I would never be able to live life as I knew it again.

I loved him, Fred Weasley.

But he didn't know it.

That is all I knew as I watched him die.

That is all I knew as my heart bled for him.

That is all I knew as the Killing Curse hit me from behind. . .

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