Wolfling- Spirit

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RUN, RUN, RUN, her legs were screaming to stop but she couldn’t, she just couldn’t, she forced herself to carry on, but from what she did not know. She ran and ran she didn’t know for how long but all she knew was she couldn’t stop or it would catch her, The blood pounded in her ears as the fear rose up inside her, threatening to engulf her in its ghostly grasp, from the deepest recesses of her mind it came, it coursed through her veins. Slowly but surely taking over. She fought the fear with all her might, if she let it go she may never be able to stop it.

Her whole body ached from running; her legs dragged along the ground however much she pushed them. Her breath came in ragged gasps as she fought for air.  

  Thud, whatever was chasing her was catching up, now she could hear it’s heavy breathing, it was so close she could feel it’s warm breath on the back of her neck. She pushed away the horrifying thoughts which formed in her head, and continued to run, pushing through the barriers of mind and body, she must stay ahead at all costs.

 Finally a break in the trees, Lexi redoubled her efforts to speed up only to find herself falling, down towards the swirling waters below. Water cascaded down around her, encasing her in its icy hold, inviting her into its deadly grasp. She closed her eyes just wishing it would go away, anything was better than this torture...

Chapter 1

I took in a deep breath, I was alive, that was a good sign. I felt the cool night time breeze across my face, I lay there for a while just concentrating on my senses. I heard the sweet chorus of the birds singing softly around me and the quiet swish of the trees swaying in the breeze. The silence of the night around me was strangely comforting. I had always loved the outside world, it gave me an escape from the daily life which I led, it all got so boring, doing the same old thing every day. Life needed to be made into some sort of adventure so that you could actually live your life at all; otherwise you may as well be some kind of robot.

 Strangely I felt a hot breath come down on my face, I creased my brow in confusion and shivered, something wasn’t right. I lay there regardless for a while, just thinking, not wanting to let the tranquillity be broken. But when the creature, whatever it was. Didn’t go away I sighed and readied myself for whatever I may see.

Blearily I opened my eyes and immediately shut them again, looming above me was the most terrifying yet amazing creature I had ever seen, its teeth were as long as a nail and its eyes... they were amber with tiny flames which seemed to be dancing around inside they pulled me into the depths of the flames, thrilling and terrifying at the same time. I wanted to look away but something was making me keep looking.

Suddenly a strong voice echoed out inside my head “Hello? Can you hear me? It’s ok I won’t hurt you.” Slowly I opened my eyes and straight above me was a wolf, but it was smiling a strange wolfy grin and it was looking straight at me. Shakily I stood up, never taking my eyes from him not even for a second, and looked at the wolf and nearly fainted when I heard the same strong voice echo inside my head, it said “Hello glad you’re awake I’m Inferno, leader of the Haruki pack, what is your name?”

 Shakily I replied “Hello my name is Alexis, daughter of Eve.”

 Inferno started to hum peacefully, padded slowly around me and then gracefully jumped into a tree and replied “Pleased to meet you fellow wolf.” strangely he did some sort of bow.

 I stared at him and finally whispered “What do you mean I’m not wolf? I am human? Descended from Adam and Eve, the very first humans” all the wolves which had been emerging slowly and silently from the trees jumped in surprise at my exclamation.

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