Sense Yourself

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Naruto was walking down a road until he felt something strange to his left but didn't worry about it an turned to his left, an ANBU came out of nowhere, "Hokage-Sama requests your presence. Demon." He mumble the last part under his breath however Naruto caught it and frowned. "Ok I'll see Hokage-Jiji now." With his piece said he ran towards the tower.
"Hey Hokage-Jiji you wanted me?" The aged Kage smiled, "yes I wanted to talk to you about your joining the academy in two years. However I also wanted to ask how did you know where that ANBU was going to be?" Naruto frowned, "I don't know Hokage-Jiji, I just felt fire and anger and I looked and then he appeared." Sarutobi smiled gently.
"Naruto-Kun what do I feel like to you?" Naruto thought for a bit before responding, "you feel pride, and an underlying feeling of... It's like love but not love like it is makes you feel good." Sarutobi's eyes widened, yes he was a closet pervert but he didn't want Naruto to know. "Well Naruto very good..." He was cut off, "you also feel like water fire and earth with a tiny bit of wind." Sarutobi fell off of his chair before regaining his composure. "Well Naruto what else can you feel in this room." Naruto thought for a second, "four different things, three feel like guys one feels sick, like water and earth and happy. Another feels like lightning and pride an that feeling you had, the last guy feels like fire and lightning, pride and his eyes feel like hate, not him just his eyes. The last one is a girl, she seems to have mixed emotions of pride and happiness for me and anger for you and the guy with the weird feelings, she feels like water and lightning, however there is one more man that feels empty and of lightning right there as he pointed to it a kunai came across the room and hit him in the head, killing him instantly. "Naruto could you tell me what the people at the north gate feel like?" Naruto thought for a minute before replying, "both are male, one feels like fire, and boredom, the other feels like water and a little bit of electricity and boredom." Sarutobi nodded before grabbing a scroll and tossing it to Naruto, "Naruto what you have is a rare ability displayed by the first Hokage and his wife, and no I don't know if you're related. That scroll I gave you is a reference to practice your sensing abilities, make them even better, the scroll itself was made by both Mito and Hashirama, so please take care of it. Now I need to get to my tor... We uh paperwork so I'll be busy for a while ok?" Naruto nodded and left excitedly, he had an ability of Hashirama and Mito, a Hokage and his wife, now all he had to do was train it. Leaving a sad Hiruzen as he remembered the true purpose of Naruto going there.

A few hours later

'Ok it said that instead of propelling it I need to look inwards, towards myself for it, to make it stronger I need to figure out who I am.' Naruto thought before he did what he needed to. As he looked into himself he noticed something strange, unlike others he had multiple pools of chakra, 2 he thought at first, then he looked harder into his own and noticed that it surrounded more, first it was three but within those three were two each. He was surprised to say the least. The one that wasn't inside his felt like hate, anger, malevolence. It was constantly moving alway angry and hard to control. The chakra that contained others was a perfect balance between Water, Fire, Wind, lightning, and earth, it felt cool calm and collected, easy to control but strong enough nonetheless. It was abundant but when he looked in his own he saw three different pools of chakra, one seemed selfish, the other seemed caring and the last seemed neutral. He looked at the selfish one, it felt of anger, hate, and pridefulness. The other felt of love, joy, and happiness, and the final felt complex and intricate but calm, however they were different still, one being fire and lightning,the other being water and earth and the last being wind. He decided to look at the caring part first, not yet realizing the changes on his mind. The caring part was strong an firm in its foundation, powerful and yet it was all Naruto thought he needed, until he remembered two more parts to this side of the chakra and delved deeper. Between these two they felt similar, and yet different at the same time, like one felt of earth, then water, and was completely trusting. The other felt of water first. One seemed fluid yet strong, the other felt fluid and dynamic still trusting but not to the same extent. He decided to delve into the strong one first. It was like being buried alive, and it felt like the forests at the same time so calming and relaxing and painful then he slowly felt a tug on his stomach, he pulled on the tug, so hard it became unbearable, however when the pain subsided he had memories of someone that was him, just in a past life. He was Hashirama Senju, but he was also Naruto Uzumaki. He then turned to the other chakra in the caring side, it felt like drowning, suffocating Naruto drew on this unfavourable feeling until he felt like he was going to pass out, only to gain more memories, those of Tobirama Senju. He was three people? Was the question going through his head. That was at least until he remembered he still had more chakra to draw on.
He sighed only to look into the selfish chakra and see one of fire, lightning, and a slight wind that didn't trust anything. The other was lightning before fire and trusted a little but not much, just like the other side Naruto wondered before he delved into the slightly trusting part. It was like sitting in an electric chair, Naruto stayed, pulling until it released itself and gave him the memories of Izuna Uchiha, brother of Madara, the only Uchiha to unlock the Mangekyou without killing your best friend. He then looked into the fourth chakra pool, the one of fire an hatred, when he pulled on it it felt like he was being burned alive(he would know) he kept pulling until he couldn't take anymore and it stopped, how ironic that his past lives were. There is an old saying, you are your worst enemy, How true that is. Naruto stifled a chuckle before going to the final pool of chakra, the one that was content to just be there there was made of two yet again, he pulled on one of them that felt warmer as they both felt the same, he was surrounded by wind, choking him and he felt like passing out, then it slowly left, and he had the memories of a man named Ryū Uzumaki, the dragon of Whirlpool. The he went to the other one an had the same effect of air suffocation. When he finished he had the memories of Ashina Uzumaki, head of the Uzumaki during the founding of Konoha. Naruto thought for a bit, he could pull on each chakra individually so why not each pool composed of multiple parts? He chuckled before pulling on what he dubbed his 'Uzumaki chakra' when he finished he felt like puking because he felt as though he was spinning constantly, he eventually got the memories of Nisshouku Ōtsutsuki the man who founded the Uzumaki and the middle brother of Indra and Asura he chuckled when one of the memories were of Indra founding the Uchiha and Asura founding the Senju. So he pulled on the Senju chakra and sure enough he found memories of Asura and memories of Indra in the Uchiha chakra. He sighed once again, he would have to pull on his chakra as a whole to fin out who he was. He pulled an felt balance, he had flashbacks of every memory in his four year life, he was Naruto Uzumaki his parents were Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze(he learned through his memories and the other Uzumaki memories) he was four years old an going to join the academy in two years. His soul was finally one again as it split into multiple pieces to accommodate for feelings and chakra, he was a jinchuuriki(learned from Hashirama's memories) and finally he had the potential to unlock the ultimate dojutsu, the eye of Kami, something Nisshouku had learned of when he talked to the divine being, it was a mix between the Sharingan, Byakugan, Rinnegan, Tenseigan, Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinne Sharingan, and the Aka Mirā(Ranmarū's Kekkei Genkai) the ultimate dojutsu. He knew who he was and he was going to be himself very well.

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