The Throne∞ Chapter 1

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Killian walked stiffly down the hallway, he was sure that he was being watched. The soldiers all seemed to eye him, looking for any flaw they could report to his father. He swiftly opened the door to his younger brothers room, Their birthdays were only a few months apart so their age difference wasn't dramatic. Killian never fully trusted anybody after he learned about his families history and the things his father put people up too, but his brother Logan was the closest thing to a confidant he had. "He's watching me." Killian said firmly, "I know it." Logan sighed, they had gone through this before. "He is not hiring people to spy on his son." Logan replied, "He wouldn't dare with your Selection coming up, The media has been flocking you, and them discovering this would be a humongous blow to his reputation, and yours." Killian tried to listen to his brothers reason, but media was always around, the Selection wouldn't change the amount allowed in the palace... and those guards. "Fine." Killian said, not sounding as firm as he meant to, but still strong enough that his brother believed him. "Bye." Killian said, he didn't want to talk to anybody anymore. He walked out of his brothers room staring at the ground. "Tell the butler I want lunch in my room today." He called back, his Father could wonder for once.

Edith laid down, her back against the cold marble floor. "Please," She whispered to the white envelope in her hand, before opening it and taking out the crisp white form. She took a personalized black pen out of her wrinkle-less cream blazer and scribbled her name down, then continued to list her accomplishments, the languages she spoke, and her hobby. She clipped a picture she took last week. She was sitting on the sand of a beach at sunset with a sheer white cover up of dark blue bathing suit. She had just thought of escaping her family and her wide smile naturally came, her Ocean blue eyes sparkled like the sea they were looking at. She walked up to her room and put the form under the designated wood plank, making sure nobody saw her as she did.

Clara sat at the table, her 4 siblings hovering over her, her parents holding out all the pens they could scrounge out from around the house, there weren't many. " For our future." Juliet whispered in her ear, " For our well being" Jared echoed, "For our reputation" My parents finished. I didn't want to enter the Selection, but choices were rare in this house. My parents handed me a worn ball point pen and I signed the end of the page. "No." Her mom said stiffly, she did not approve of this signature, as well as many others. I didn't respond, just took another sheet and filled out my traits, five minutes later I found myself filling out the form again. Entering the Selection meant competing for somebody else, and it was hard enough for me to compete with siblings for attention at home. I didn't want more of this. I understood where they were coming from though, maybe if I just stayed in the Selection long enough for my family to save up money in checks, then my parents could accept less shifts and parent their children instead of asking me too. The thought warmed my insides, and for the first time in forever I found a possibility to get just a little less responsibility put on my shoulders. I signed my name with a flourish. "Perfect." Said my Mom. And me.

Carabelle smiled happily at the closed envelope, she put it behind her pillow and went to the kitchen to cook her parents breakfast. She attempted pancakes, but soon realized that the lack of milk complicated things. Her grin slipped, but only for a second. She through away the unfinished batter, and rushed into her room to get dressed. She slipped into her work uniform, and grabbed her letter, rushing for the door. "Carabelle!" A gruff voice yelled, her dad. If he realized they were out of milk... She ran outside and slammed the door. Then she sprinted down the street, hoping he wasn't upset enough to follow her to work. When she passed a mailbox she slid in her envelope, her hopes and dreams with it, and entered the door to the Diner. "I neeeed a carton of milk" She wined to her dark hair, blue eyed best friend. "Neeed?" Her friend asked, and she nodded stiflfy. She didn't ask anymore questions, "Come here after work." I smiled gratefully and ran off, when she entered work my dad was waiting for her, she smiled at him cheerfully and started watering the sunflowers. "You better not mail that letter." He said harshly, and walked by her. When he was next to her he stared into her eyes and shoved her back, letting her know he wouldn't forget her later. She gulped, really hoping her letter got through, it was her only escape.

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