The Day it all Began

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I remember the day.
It was 7 years ago.
He was 5 and I was 4.
He was old enough, and I was able enough, to start kindergarten, and it was the day we were supposed to meet the teachers.
I remember standing there with my mother, looking around at all of he other kids, scared out of my wits.
There were so many of them.
They were all so much bigger than me.
I walked up to her closer and tried to grab at her skirt and close my eyes, wanting to hide from all of the people. But the second I closed my eyes, I felt her skirt leave my grip and her body leave my side.
I gasped, looking around desperately, but she was gone.
I started to cry.
I wanted my blanket, but it was in my backpack, which she had taken and was wearing because it had things she needed for the meeting in it.
I cried harder, but I didn't want to make any noise, so I covered my mouth with my hand to stifle the sound of my sobs.
I was lost for what to do, so I did the only things I could think of.
I opened my eyes, looked around me, and took off in the opposite direction, to the side of the building with no people.
I ran as fast as I could go, my vision blurry as I pushed through the sea of people scattered across the front yard of the school.
My hair flew behind me as I sprinted, my bangs being blown back by the wind that whipped my face.
I kept running and running without a backward glance.
I finally slowed when I couldn't bare to run anymore and my lungs were screaming for air.
When I stopped though, I ended up tripping over my feet, and I fell to the ground, and in the process, cut my lip on a rock, skinned my knee on the pavement, and got scratches on my palms, down my arms, and all the way down the right side of my face.
I must have been knocked unconscious when my head hit the ground because when I came to, I remember being on the ground, on my stomach, my head still on the ground, and everything hurting.
I could see red blotches on the concrete. I propped myself up on my forearms and looked around.
I was alone, but I could hear voices and laughter coming from behind me.
I wasn't entirely sure where I was, but at least I was away from the people.
I felt little jolts of stinging pain all over, and something warm and wet dripping down my face and neck.
I sat myself up and raised a hand to my face.
I felt my fingers become slick and when I pulled it away, I saw they had been completely covered in something red.
I was very confused, but for some odd reason, I wasn't scared.
I had stopped crying, but my face was still damp from my earlier tears.
I suddenly felt a terrible stinging in my cheek, and I didn't know why.
Eventually it passed, but it was awful while it lasted.
After a while, I managed to bring myself to my feet and look around.
I looked to my left and saw nothing but a brick wall of the building and an area surrounded by tall green fences.
I then looked to my right and saw a large playground and a vast, open field.
I wanted to go explore the playground and field, but when I tried to walk, I felt a slight pain in my left leg, which was scraped up really badly, but not gushing red liquid.
When I started moving, I realized that I could walk like normal, but that I was limping.
I didn't give it much thought, and just continued to make my way over to the playground.

(A/N: hey guys, if you liked this part, please let me now and I can post the next one. Also your Feedback is appreciated, THANKS :D)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2016 ⏰

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