Unbreakable Love

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As she walked to her bus stop she bounce into a handsome guy brown skin, beautiful eyes and sexy body they smiled with each other and went their separate ways. The next day she arrived at her bus stop and she saw the same guy she accidentally bounce into he walk up to her and introduce himself they talk for a while exchange numbers then went their separate ways.
While the days past  by the talked and texted like everyday until one day they went out on a date. As she got ready for her day out with Micka she pander around her room wondering what to wear. She was so excited to meet him once more he called and ask for directions to her home so he could pick her up to her surprise she never knew he drive. She locked up and sat on her porch until he arrived they talk on the way about a lot of funny things they did when they were kids. While talking and laughing in the car until they reach there destination. He got out of the car open the door for her and as she step out he kissed her on the cheek their 1st date was at a local
restaurant which apparently both of them favorite restaurant she was surprise to know that they like the same restaurant as they order juices micka ask ravena if she would like to go to a club afterwards she thought about it for a while since she never been to a club before she said yes she would love to but she have to be home before 12am the look on micka's face said that shes a scardy cat. After having there meals micka change is mind about going to a club on their first date so he ask her to come at his place but he would have to make a quick call first cause the person for the car will be coming for it and we would have to take a taxi back home she didn't say anything she smiled they walk back to where he take taxi to go home got into a car to his place. They got home she was shock to know that he lived with his family so he introduce her to his cousin and so on then they went into his room they sat on his bed which it was a inflatable she really like him didn't care if he had it or not, what she wanted was to love him no matter what the circumstances are. They talk for hours totally forgotten that she was suppose to be home before 12am she called her parents and told them that shes not coming home tonight. She sat up for hours with him talking about a lot of stuff. As they fall asleep together hugging each other emotionally at that point they knew they were meant for each other.

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