Benedict Cumberbatch Imagine- The Girl in the Window

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Imagine you live beside this boy. You don't know him, you've never even said hi. Its never bothered you. He was just another heart beat in this huge city of yours, so it made no difference if you knew him or not.
But one day, late at night, you're sitting on your bed, engrossed in a book, and look up. Your curtains are open and you can look out to the house one over, the boys house, where you can see him, laying on his bed, curtains open, reading a book. He has simple light hair and from what you can tell, the most architecturally beautiful cheekbones you have ever seen, though he still had a bit of plumpness to him. He was adorable.
Suddenly, he wasn't just another heart beat in the city.
All night, you stole glances at him, pretending to read as he lay there, positions changing here and there, showing how tall and lanky he was. He never looked up and caught your stares, just stayed there reading that one book, curtains open, oblivious to the girl who now had found an interest in him. Little did you know, he was doing the exact same, wondering just who this girl was, and if he would ever have a chance to be with someone like her.

It had been a week since that night you stayed up, stealing glances of the boy across the way and his curtains had stayed closed ever since, though sometimes you could seem him moving behind them: god he was tall. You had taken up the habit of jogging past his house mid day, hoping to catch him outside, never having the luck to do so. You knew that if you wanted to meet him let alone talk, you would have to do so soon, as summers end was approaching and you knew that he went off to an expensive, fancy boarding school in the fall. You were loosing hope, cursing yourself for being so shy. If only you knew that inside that house was the boy, watching you make your way past the grand house every day, and everyday he tried, and failed, to pluck up the courage to talk to the girl in the window.

Eventually, two weeks before fall is here and with it school, you're sitting out on your giant porch while the cleaning lady inside works (it's a bit of a posh neighbourhood and you've never felt like you fit in). You close your eyes and lean back into the couch cushions set up on the porch. You were about to fall asleep when you heard someone walk past your house and stop. Slowly, you open your eyes to find a tall boy standing there, high cheekbones, green and blue eyes and a Cupid's bow looking up at you under locks of light hair. He seems startled that you noticed his presence and looks at the ground, mumbling an apology.
'Its fine.' You tell him. He looks back up and smiles at you, taking a few steps forward, his head tilted.
'Im Benedict.' He offered. You smile back, enchanted by him, and tell him your name. 'Thats beautiful. It suits you.' He responds a little shyly. You tell him that you love his name, it's so unique. 'Oh, you haven't heard my full name then.' He chuckled. 'And what is it?' You ask. 'Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch.' You just grin at him an he grins back. You became best friends in those two weeks: you never spoke of your little crush on him and he never said anything of the like. You kept in touch when you two went off to school, but sadly he moved away a few years later an you stopped talking. Every now and then, you'd hear of him, of his talent in acting and how handsome he was growing up to be. You missed him terribly sometimes, but you never reached out, expecting he'd forgotten about you. But he never did forget the girl in the window.

It's been years since you have seen Benedict and you are no longer that teenaged girl lusting after various boys. You had had a few committed relationships but none of them felt just right, something was always off and you always felt you were missing someone. And whenever you questioned it, Benedicts face cropped up in your minds eye. You started to hear of him more, even in the news: he had become the star of BBCs Sherlock and dominated the role. You're glad he kept his name. You watched it and oh wow, he had really become eye candy, nothing compared to the soft boyish cute he used to be, his hair now dark and he is perhaps the most ruggedly handsome man you have seen. You can't believe you knew him as a boy and that that shy boy was one of the most talented men around. One day, scrolling through the news on your phone, you discover that Benedict has been chosen as the baddie in the new Star Trek movie and you cannot believe it. You scream out of pure excitement for the boy next door. You still consider calling him everyday, but you are still certain he won't remember you, and you could never be in his league, so you carry on with life, a hole in your heart.

One day, you are spending time at your childhood home with your parents. It's about a month before the Star Trek premiere when you know that finally, Benedict will get the notice he deserves. You had woken up that morning to hearing your parents on the phone in hushed tones, but you just passed it off as one of their oddities. It's about midday when a knock is heard at the door. You were sitting in the living room with your dad as your mom made lunch and you all stared each other down. Finally, you caved and went to open the door. 'Hi, how...' You trailed off as you came face to face with a man with eyes like the universe and high, defined cheekbones, his dark hair loose ad curly. 'Hi there.' He says, his voice deep and resonating. You can't move, grounded by the moment. Finally, you choke out 'Benedict?' He smiles at you in conformation before you find yourself in his arms at last. 'Oh god, I missed you.' You admit into his shoulder. Wow he's tall. 'Same here, love. Why didn't you call?'
'Because, well, I didn't think I would be good enough for you. I didn't think you would remember me, let alone feel the same way.' He laughs, the sound is amazing and it shakes you.
'Are you kidding me? I've been working my ass off and missing you unbelievably much in hopes that, one day, I would be in your league. ' he comes out of the hug and places his hand on your face. 'And how in this world, could I /ever/ forget you?' Without saying anymore, he leans in and brings you into a passionate kiss worth all the years you missed together, and you forget about the fact that your parents are in the next room and that he is unbelievably famous. Because he's yours.
That had been Benedict on the phone this morning, asking if it would be okay if he came by. He stayed and had lunch with your family. Later, you two went for a walk, hand in hand, catching up, getting lost in each others eyes. Now and then you kissed. And as you did, he pulled back and rested his forehead against yours. 'Will you come to the premiere with me?' You jerk back, surprised. 'What?' He smiles. 'Would you do me the honour of attending the Star Trek into Darkness premiere with me, Ms.[your name]?' You tear up as you look into his eyes. 'Of course.' You sigh because, at last and out of all the beating hearts in this city and world, his is yours.

Benedict Cumberbatch Imagine- The Girl in the WindowWhere stories live. Discover now