My Journey on a Pirate Ship

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I woke to the gentle rocking of the ship as water hits against its side. The sound of the caw of seagulls reaches my ears. I smile. I've always loved the sounds the birds make in the morning. I slowly stretch my limbs, trying to get the tired felling out of them. Then I get out of my hammock and stretch again. I still haven't gotten used to sleeping in that uncomfortable thing.

“Nicole, get up we have to get moving” I yell to the sleeping girl across the room. Nicole is my best friend and the only other person on the ship. We set of on this little adventure about a year ago. Just to see what was out in the world and so far it has been exciting. I just wish there was more we could do.

“I'm up, I'm up.” She say jolting awake, frightened by my yelling. I just laugh and pull on my boots and toss Nicole her pair. We both walk outside and let the sun warm our faces before we start doing our daily chores. Nicole lifts the sails while I tie the ropes down. We look over the map that I have hung up in our bedrooms and decide which direction we will be gong today.

“Come on, lets shove off.” I say using the only pirate lingo I know. Nicole lifts the anchor and I adjust the sail so we catch the wind. The ship start to pick up speed. And I look through the telescope, enjoying the felling of the wind in my face.

“What do you think we will find today?” I ask Nicole, handing her the telescope and looking at the map that I laid out on the table in front of us.

“I don't know, probably some unmarked island.” Says Nicole looking at the the map as I turn the wooden steering wheel. Soon enough Nicole spots a speck of land through the telescope. And we start sailing towards it with smiles on our faces. As soon as we are close enough to the island I drop the anchor and the ship comes to a stop. We climb into the rowboat on the side of the ship and start rowing towards the island.

When we reach the island I jump out of the little rowboat and dig my feet into the sand. I enjoy the feeling on walking on solid ground. Being on a boat for a long time make you appreciate the felling of walking on solid ground, which is the thing I miss most when we are sailing.

“Come on lets go exploring.” Yells Nicole running into the forest that lies ahead of us. I look around to see that there is a strip of sand about ten feet wide that surround the island. Beyond that is a dense forest that is covered with exotic, brightly colored plants and trees that seem to go on forever.

“Wait up!” I yell, running after Nicole. She is always the one who goes off on her own without thinking about the consequences. She will probably end up getting lost in the forest she just ran head first into. As I run after her I notice all the trees start to block out the light the farther in I go and it is getting harder and harder to see. “Nicole!” I yell trying to see which way she went, unsuccessfully I might add

“Nicole!” I yell again. Still no answer and I start to get worried. What if something happened to her? What if she got lost and can't find her way back? I keep on calling out her name but she still does not answer. After searching for what seem like days but was actually only a few hours. I finally find Nicole trying to climb her way out of a ditch she somehow fell into.

“There you are” I say laughing at the situation she found herself in “but how in the world did you end up down there?”

“Ally, help me up.” she says glaring at me, but I keep on laughing. “Ally, It's not funny! Now help me up!” she yells angrily. I pull her up from the ditch and she keeps glaring at me.

“I'm sorry, I just thought it was funny how you ended up down there.” I say looking down at the hole

“Come on. I had enough adventuring for one day.” mumbles Nicole, walking off in the direction to our ship.

“Yeah.” I agree. “me too.” We both start the long and tiresome trip back to the open sea.


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