Fall for You (PewdieCry)

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It wasn't supposed to be this way. I thought we were perfect for each other. What happened to us, Cry? We weren't like this before.

It's almost as if our nights aren't done without us fighting. Yelling, screaming, arguing... And a door slammed shut angrily as we slept in our own rooms.

Cry, do you remember the last night we slept beside each other? Me neither. Heck, I can't even remember how it felt on September. Why was I so obsessed with it anyway? It was nothing but a day. A day I wish never happened.

A day that caused us this much suffering. I wonder where we'd both be if that encounter never happened. Where would we be if I didn't come up to you that September afternoon? Sometimes, I think, "What if we never happened?"

And yet... I still don't want to lose you. I keep holding on, clinging to you like a magnet that has long forgotten to attract. Now all we do is repel.

Then, a day comes when I've had enough. Like a bubble inflated to its full capacity, my feelings burst. I grab you by the shoulders, taking you by surprise, silencing you.  I don't shout at you; I couldn't even if I wanted to. I was so pathetic.

Who would have thought that we were once so happy and contented... so perfect? Now I could only watch as our love withered, petal by petal, as our voices grew louder each day.

I bury my fingers into your shoulders, looking down as tears threatened to fall to my feet, but I held them back. "I've had enough." I whisper, my voice cracking as I choked tears away. You look down, and I catch a glimpse of something clouding those midnight blue eyes. Was it guilt? Anger? Shame? Hate?


You forced my hands away from your shoulders. Without a word, you leave, going out into the late night.

"Cry, wait-" Bang. I reach out to you, but the door slams shut loudly at me. I wanted to stop you... yet at the same time I didn't want to. It was no use; I had given up. We were broken, shattered... Like broken glass shards that can never come together again, never be fixed.

Maybe this was for the best.

I laid down on the couch, sighing in frustration. Countless thoughts whirring in my head. all having to do with you. Always about you. I never did stop thinking about you, even when we fought.

Soon, I drifted into sleep, image of you still lurking in my head and one worry getting lost within the chaos that was my mind.

What if he doesn't come back?

I found myself standing by a bridge. Hues of orange and vermilion filling the sky as the sun fell down and hid behind the mountains. I would've smiled at the sight, but I didn't. I knew what this was.

"The place we met." I heard a familiar silken voice, and saw beside me... Cry. You smiled at me, tipping your head, "Right?"

At that moment, I knew it. We never had these types of conversation anymore. It was just a dream. Or a memory I don't remember.


I woke up to a loud knock at the door. It was early dawn now, the brightness of the sky faintly shining over me as a new day began. I got up and fixed myself. You don't knock when you enter the house, it must be someone else. I thought.

But I was surprised to see that it was you. You looked up at me, panicked and worried. I never thought I'd see you with an expression that wasn't anger again. Then I noticed a flicker of red.

"P-Pewds... Help-"

You collapsed into my arms, and I saw blood trickle down the back of your neck. I panicked, carrying you to your room and leaving you there for a moment as I hurried to get the medical kits.

Before I knew it, I had finished treating your wound and I found myself staring at you, gazing and marvelling at what I had lost. I couldn't help but watch as you breathed and slept peacefully. I sighed contentedly; the way you looked so calm and... beautiful reminded me of the times when everything was alright. And the desire to bring it back grew stronger.

You stir awake, and I flinched, stepping closer to try and help you however I could. But the next words I heard took me by surprise.

"W-Where am I? Who are you?"

Fall for You (PewdieCry)Where stories live. Discover now