Determined for Victory

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Andrea has been imprisoned for twomonths by N.R.A. it was fairenough for the prison to have fresh water but they showed no mercy they usedthe prisoners for biological experiments and tortured anyone to start arebellion, riot, or was disrespectfulto the guards in a crueland inhumane way every solder that witnessed the torture was fidgety or energetic and would neverstop moving in a efficientway  until it was done .  Date 3/18/20191 the New Britain Air forcedoes some bombings on the prisons of the N.R.A. 215 freed including Andreafleeing to the wasteland them moving back to New Britain to join its military.Andrea reported them of a N.R.A resistance that is a dependable and fierce ally for New Britain. Discouraged of resistancesmall numbers New Britain was nearly embarrassed for almost being dishonest and forgetting their democratic society

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