The Hat (Year 1)

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"It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters."

-Edmund Burke


Hogwarts. I am finally here; walking through the massive doors with the other students. I have waited for my letter; dreaming about the school for 11 years, and now, I'm actually here in the flesh. Of course, I had had no doubt about whether or not I would receive the letter. My family, the DeLuces, are some of the richest, with blood purer than diamonds.

I sigh, surveying the other students around me; twirling a strand of my long, jet black hair around my pale finger. I recognize several children from wealthy, pureblood, families. Slytherin, Slytherin, Slytherin... I can't help but think as my intense gaze slides over them. I've always enjoyed evaluating people and then guessing what Hogwarts house they were. It's revealing.

These particular boys and girls, I know, are mean and spoiled to the core; nasty, cruel, people who scorn my family and me just because we're "strange".

God knows what is so odd about being kind! I think heatedly.

True, my family is different from many of its equals in the wizarding world. True, we've visited muggle shops occasionally, and yes, we do treat your house-elves like precious friends. That doesn't make any of us a disgrace though!

I'm jarred suddenly from my brooding thoughts as the first years prepared to be sorted. Names are being called off as students put on a raggedy old hat; then join the table of whatever house they are given. I'm immensely relieved that the so called "sorting test" is nothing but an article of clothing. And to think that I had been worried about not knowing enough spells to be sorted! I sit back, resuming my examination of the other first years. I notice a fluffy haired girl with a charming smile, McGonagall addressed her as Granger, Hermione, who is put in Gryffindor.

I'd like to be her friend. She's smart and kind, I think as I study her. Her knowing look and heavy bag of books show that she seeks knowledge, and I overheard her talking with another first year girl on the train. Maybe she's a bit of a know-it-all, but I feel that she's nice.

Up goes the youngest Weasley boy, Ron. I don't know the Weasleys well, but my family generally has a better opinion about them than most of the others do. I think that they don't have much money because their robes are always shabby. It's not like I really care though; as long as they are good people I don't have the right to judge. Ron is sent to Gryffindor. I think that his bright red hair will look nice with the scarlet and gold.

"Malfoy, Draco." Professor McGonagall calls. I look up a bit, glaring at the boy. Pale, small, pointed; with slicked back platinum blond hair and an eager, but cruel, expression. I have probably met Draco half a dozen times at various parties, banquets, and the like. I hate him. He is mean, selfish, and a bloody coward. He calls me foul names and ridicules my family, any and every time that we are unfortunate enough to bump into each other. I haven't seen him for over a year, and had been honestly hoping not to ever lay eyes on him again. Just as I expected, the hat hardly even needs to touch his head. "Slytherin!" it shrieks, making Draco smirk with pleasure.

A moment later, McGonagall calls a name that takes all of us by surprise. "Potter, Harry!" A hush falls over the students as a small boy with bright green eyes and ebony black hair scrambles up to be sorted. The hat takes what seems like ages with him, and despite the fact that it has slipped over Harry's eyes, I can tell that he is beyond nervous. I might as well add him to the "potential friends" list, I think. I love hearing about how he defeated the Dark Lord, plus, he's good looking. The students murmur as he sits beneath the hat. Is it really him? The boy who lived?! I can hear them whispering. "Gryffindor!" The hat bellows at last, and the boy breaths an audible sigh of relief. He hurries joins Ron at the appropriate table.

Hmm. Maybe Gryffindor is the house to be in! I think, with a mental chuckle. I've actually never been very particular about any of the houses, but now is the time to see how they act.

"DeLuce, Hazel!" I walk up to the hat when my name is called amid the scattered cackling from those stuck-up, pureblooded gits. Why do they hate me so much? I wonder, biting my lip to refrain from snapping at them. I've never done anything to them; why do they have to be so cruel?

I take a deep breath as it settles over my eyes and clear my mind. I've heard that it can read thoughts, so I want to stay quiet and let it make the decision without any input from me. The hat takes so long to decide that I almost have a panic attack! I suppose that it took longer with Potter, but now I understand the agony of sitting in front of everyone, feeling unwanted and alone with a silly hat obscuring my vision.

I can hear it puttering around in my thoughts, examining me. Miss DeLuce. You love and laugh like a Hufflepuff, It comments quietly, but you have a heart as brave as a lion. Above all, you would make an excellent Ravenclaw. Miss DeLuce, I see that you are a clever and imaginative student who loves nothing more than a good book. I personally feel like Ravenclaw wouldn't be a bad house at all, and am preparing to join that table when the hat continues. My, my! What do we have here? A sharp tongue, a cunningly strategic mind, and enough determination to drive an entire Quiddich match! Better make you a... "Slytherin!"

I groan inwardly as the hat is lifted off of my dark hair. Only a handful of people cheer as I sit down at the table. Slytherin? I'd be happy with this choice...if only it wasn't so full of bloody gits!

"What's she doing here?!" A loud voice makes me jump. It's just as annoying as nails on a chalkboard; probably more so. Ugh, Draco. I close my eyes and ignore him, but he just doesn't give up! "Surprised she isn't over there sitting with the Hufflepuffs! Come to think about it, how did she even get in?" he stands up, gesturing at me in front of the entire school. "Hey, everyone! Intruder alert! I think that a Muggle has managed to sneak into the school!"

Laughter bounces off of the stone walls. Most of it is coming from the Slytherin table, but I can clearly see others chuckling as well. A teacher tells Draco to sit down and be quiet, but I don't bother to notice.

My ears are ringing with anger and humiliation. I'm going to kill you, you fat, ugly, git! I think as I glare murderously at my blond antagonizer. He smirks back, looking perfectly pleased with himself.


Dinner is over. I didn't bother to wait around for any insuring festivals in the Slytherin Common Room, heading straight up to bed, instead.

I sigh morosely as I brush my long hair in front of a small mirror. My reflection stares back at me; heavy black hair, hazel eyes, and a pale face. What a potato. My eyebrows are too thick, and my chin is cleft. I shake my head disparagingly at my reflection, wishing that I wasn't quite so short.

I turn on the water for a bath, glad at least that my teeth aren't crooked. Draco has a bad overbite: "snaggle-tooth", as my parents would jokingly say. I'm very much relieved that at least my smile is beautiful, because it may very well be the only lovely thing about me. Looking sullen and bad tempered, I slip into the warm water, haunted by the depressing notion that this upcoming year is going to be nothing but misery.


 A/N: Welcome everyone to the life of Hazel DeLuce! For returning readers, I'm doing a bit of a re-write. I'm realizing that many of my chapters seem like they were written more by a hormonal teenager (which I am ^_^) than a professional wannabe (which I also am!). Anyway, I'm going to simply be smoothing things out a bit; no major changes, just enough to make my story flow.   

 Also, I'd like to quickly say that you are all beautiful. If you, dear reader, have an over-bite, cleft chin, thick eyebrows, or anything like that, don't think that my writing is meant to criticize you! Never. Everyone is a precious flower and a shining star; I would never demean a single one of you. ^_^ My writing simply reflects the mind-set of DeLuce, who is struggling to work out her self-image. So please, don't take offense!

 A review would be great, and please keep reading. ^_^

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