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<jimin's current thoughts during flashbacks are in italics>

<3rd person p.o.v>

Jimin walked along the creaking wooden bridge, consecutively stepping on every fourth plank out of habit. The sounds of the wood settling under his feet brought him a sense of nostalgia every time it groaned from age.

This has been his favorite place ever sense he was young. It's a small straight wooden bridge that is only big enough to reach over the little creek that intersects a walking trail.

The forest it's located in, being only a short walk from his family's house, allows Jimin to visit quite often.

This is where he comes in his times of need. Pacing back and
forth over the bridge while letting off steam. Sometimes he does that by swinging his feet over the edge and crying... while other times he violently throws rocks into the creek until his arm hurts from slinging the stones so hard.

Right now, he just wants to be alone in silence. School has been so stressful lately and he honestly doesn't want to go home right now and listen to his parents nag at him about what he's doing with his future.

So he observes every fine detail of the lines and stains in the wood beneath him, distracting his thoughts.

That is, until he notices something that only makes him think more.

Carved into the decorative oak railing on the side of the bridge are two initials joined by a heart.

p.j.m + j.j.k

Jimin smiles warmly at the memory. It's still a bit hazy but, none the less, the thought of his past friendship brings a warm smile to his face.


"Jiminnie! Come on look what I found!" The young raven haired boy called out to his hyung.

Why is it that I can never remember what his name was?

"Hold on I'm coming, $7!(@99@" Jimin rushed over to his best friend. They go to preschool together and they trust each other more than any of the other students.

Everytime I have these memories its as if his name just disappears. I can picture it all as if it was just yesterday... but that boys name always turns into a flash of unidentifiable noises in my head.

The boy with black hair pulled out a small pocket knife and grinned as its shiny surface reflected the sunlight.

"$7!(@99@, that looks dangerous. My dad said were not allowed to have those." Jimin shuffled his feet and watched how they scuffed the surface of the bridge beneath him. His friend is acting strangely different today.

"Its okay Jimin-hyung, my grandpa gave it to me. He said it runs in the family. Look at how is sparkles." The boy held the knife's blade up where the suns rays hit it and aimed their gleam at Jimin's face. The older of the two giggled and covered his eyes. "and I have a surprise for you!" His black hair fell into his face as he spun around in excitement, still holding out the sharp object.

His young ignorance not realizing the fact that he could seriously hurt himself or the older by doing so. Luckily, nothing goes wrong.

Jimin watched as his best friend began to carve something with the knife into the wooden railing of their favorite place to play. When the raven haired was done he stepped back to reveal what he had left etched into its surface.

"Wow, $7!(@99@, you practiced the alphabet to do this right? It looks so cool!" Jimin hopped up and down with glee as he observed the accuracy of his and his friends initials. "But what is it for?"

"My eomma told me that people sometimes carve their initials into things to mark a memory in their life. To leave a permeant record of them being there with someone they care about." Jimin's black haired friend had a sparkle in his eye when sharing his knowledge. That sparkle was suddenly replaced with a sad smile. "And I didnt want you to forget me when I leave, Jimin-hyung. So now you can remember our times playing on this bridge on the weekends."

This new information confused Jimin. He looked at the knife and back to his friend.

"I don't understand... Why would you leave? When? Where are you going?" Jimin suddenly felt tears daring to burst from his eyes but he held them back.

"Eomma said we're moving tomorrow. Really far away... I'm really going to miss you hyung." At these words, both of the young boys broke out into tears and gripped onto each others shirts in a tight hug. They're so young that this is their first experience of loss. They're only in preschool, after all.

Once as their crying stopped, Jimin pulled away from the hug and took his friends pocket knife to add something to their markings on the bridge. He drew a heart around their two initials before folding the knife up and giving it back.

"You're the bestest friend I've ever had $7!(@99@ and I love you so of course I'll never forget you"

But I'm so sorry that I cant remember your name...

<end of flashback/memory>

i want to remember // jikookWhere stories live. Discover now