This story is inspired by one of my favourites, campus by vampire weekend. What I love about this band is that their songs may appear cheery and light to the naive listener, but in reality they are sad, very sad and meaningful. In the end of the story I'll also add the lyrics of the song, so if you don't know it you can read those and also listen to the actual song in this chapter!♡ Without further ado, I present to you Campus~~~
"Alexander! Pay attention, you know this lecture is of utmost importance to your current project!"Mr Smith said in his low, charming British accent.
Everyone was asleep, or at least they seemed to be. Alex was annoyed at having been targeted. And by none other than him.
He refrained from answering.
Alex was nervously fondling with the strap of his messenger bag, anxiously tapping his foot, waiting for the hour to pass. This was the worst class. He always thought university would mark the best years of his life, and at first that did seem to be the case.
He used to be so happy here. He'd made so interesting new friends and learned so many new things and he had felt as if the world was just waiting for him to go and explore it ,be somebody, be important, make something of his life and be happy.
He had always been extremely ambitious. Maybe that had been the root of all his problems. Once he set his mind to something, he was selfish enough to believe everyone would bend over backwards to help him reach his target and fulfill his purpose.
And when he'd walked in this classroom, and observed its amphitheatric style and brightness all around due to the huge windows, he had been very pleased. More than pleased, he'd been absolutely ecstatic.
"This will be my favorite" he thought cheerfully. "I can feel it"
And Mr smith had taken a liking to him. He was intelligent and loved the subject; he had quickly become his witty and a tad loud mouthed protegé. And they did good work together; they were both hopeless romantics and had a deep passion concerning their department. It was all about literature-Alex thought he'd die of happiness. He was finally doing what really completed him, spending all his time reading and writing and reading some more, so much so that his whole attitude towards life had started changing. He was merrier and more prone to smiling and his best friend, Sally admitted he had become far more pleasant company.
He should have known being so happy over books was a bit irrational. He should have realised sooner it was mostly because of him and not literature. Maybe he wouldn't have been hurt so badly.Maybe.
Some months earlier
Mr Smith was stacking the papers on his wooden desk, his glasses adorably close to falling off his nose.
Adorably. Alex had realised he'd fallen in love with his professor quite a while ago. It was weird how he loved everything about him;his dark unruly hair that seemed to always be sticking towards every direction; his glasses that seemed a bit too big on him;his ever clean and adorably tidy attire. Sweaters and crisp shirts and an overall demeanour that screamed LITERATURE PROFESSOR which made Alex love him even more. And he was young, very young. At least to Alex a ten year or more difference didn't seem like such a big deal. He considered himself a mature soul, and frowned upon any age concerns as something trivial.
His problem lied in the fact that he had absolutely no idea whether Mr smith was gay, or even bi. And there was another minor problem, which was Mr smith's girlfriend.
Something which also stroke Alex as trivial.
They were the only ones left in the room. Mr Smith had invited him to help with the tests and the projects. He always seemed so at loss with them. He helplessly stared at them as if they would stack themselves without his assistance.
Song One-shots/short Stories
Short StoryThis will be a collection of one-shots and short stories inspired by some of my favourite songs. Some are romantic and lovely, others creepy and scary,and others simply heart breaking. They majority of them are hella gay, so watch out if that makes...