Isabelle meets the beast

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The day didn't start well for Mark Anderson when he heard what had happened to his cargo ships.

'What do you mean confiscated!?' he shouted into his phone.

The apologetic voice on the other side couldn't give him any more information than that his ships had been taken because of an unpaid fuel bill to the Bête holding. Slamming the phone down he called for Isabelle, his daughter and personal assistant.

She hurried into his office, having heard his outburst across the main office floor already, and found him slumped back in his leather chair, massaging his greying temples.

'Dad? What's going on?' she asked, kneeling beside him and laying her hands on his thigh.

'The ships have been confiscated because we haven't yet paid their fuel bill to Bête.' he groaned.

'Can't we talk to them? Make a deal to pay after the cargo has been sold?'

Mark looked at his daughter, her beauty almost making him forget his worries. 'You don't know Jean-Marie Bête. He's a very strict business man and won't show leniency to anyone.'

Her face turned to determined. 'All the more reason to talk to him. He has more to lose in the long term if he cuts us down.' she said and grabbed the phone.

'Wait, what are you doing?' her father asked when she started dialling a number.

'This is ms. Anderson from Anderson Trading. I'd like to make an appointment to discuss a financial matter with Mr. Bête.' she said to the other side of the line. After a pause 'Isn't there anyone who handles his calendar? There must be someone who knows what he's doing?'. She rolled her eyes at the apology on the other side. 'Okay, is he in today? Yes? Then let him know the president and his assistant will be coming over to see him if he has a few minutes to spare. It won't take long and it'll be profitable to him. Thank you.'

She let out a deep sigh of frustration after she put down the phone. 'Get your car dad, we're going over to see him.'

Her father looked at her with surprise. 'You really mean it.'

She nodded. 'We have to.'

Chapter 01

Both father and daughter felt nervous on their way to the man who held the future of the company in his hands. Mark hoped his daughter's stubbornness wouldn't make Jean-Marie mad and get them into bigger trouble. Isabelle hoped she could appeal to him with her proposition and keep the company afloat for long enough to raise a profit.

They parked in the office garage and rode the elevator up. Isabelle took a few deep breaths to get her act together. The proposition she had drafted and held in her hand had to be accepted.

The elevator doors opened up to a small glass encased hall with elaborate etching of roses in the glass. Through two glass doors they came upon the receptionist, a middle aged woman who radiated cheerful competence in her job.

'Mr. Anderson to see Mr. Bête. We called earlier.' Isabelle said.

'Welcome.' the woman said, her smile warm. 'I have left him the message that you came to see him earlier, but he said he had no time to see you.' She raised her eyebrows a little. 'I'm sorry. I called you back but then I heard you were already on your way here.'

Isabelle nodded and gave her a smile back. 'I understand. But isn't there any spare time in his schedule today?'

'I'm afraid I don't really know.' the woman said, pulling a notepad closer. 'Since Beth, his former assistant, left it's been a bit of chaos here.'

Isabelle and mr. BêteWhere stories live. Discover now