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Thank you for taking the time to read my book!
As said in the description, there are no mates, special white wolves, rogues or clichéd packs in this story. Keep that in mind while reading.
Anyways, enjoy.
The clicking of my heels on the flat roof of the apartment building could barely be heard over the sounds from the streets below. Although nobody could see me from down there, I was dressed to fit in with the crowd. My feet were clad in black, strapped sandals with heels higher than the human kids on the streets. My curves were complimented by black, skintight jeans and a black, figure hugging, cropped top with long sleeves and a high neckline. My make-up was dark, to match my outfit. My midnight black hair was straightened and up in a high ponytail. I had a sword in my hand. Also black, of course.
The building was the tallest of all in Fortuna. I could watch over the whole city from where I was standing.
I heard him coming before I saw him. When he talked, his voice was a deep baritone. Manly, but very cocky.
"What and who are you?"
Taking in a sniff of his scent, I turned around. He was a werewolf. I cocked an eyebrow at him. He was hot, there was no denying that. With his smoldering brown eyes, messy black hair and black leather jacket he could have been the player from any typical teen romance novel. His skin was a dark caramel. His lips were shaped into a disapproving scowl. He had stubble, but not too much. He had the whole bad boy persona going on. Like me, he was wearing all black. In his case, his attire existed of said leather jacket, a tight shirt, jeans and sneakers. Not exactly intimidating, let alone fit for an Alpha. He seemed to be around my age.
"I'm a werewolf. Just like you," I responded. "Well, not exactly like you, I suppose. I'm a Protector. Name's Danica.
His scowl deepened. He was more repulsed than he should have been.
"Your kind is not needed here. Get out of Fortuna."
My lips curved into a smile.
"I kinda am." I stepped towards him. "The Council thinks so, at least."
He watched me. His heartbeat sped up a bit. Enough to tell me he was either getting angry or scared. Seeing the situation, I opted for angry.
"Your Council doesn't know anything of Fortuna."
I took another step towards him. His pupils dilated, as his eyes lit up to reveal a bright, green colour. His voice became a bit more suppressed, as he bit out "Stay away. You'll only cause trouble." Then, he ran off to whatever hellhole he'd originally crawled out from.
There really was something off about this town, if he'd talk to a Protector like that. That, or there was an ambush planned.
I turned back to watching over Fortuna. A scream sounded throughout the night. I quickly located it, before jumping off the roof. My feet hit the balcony below me with a soft thud. Gripping the drainpipe, I expertly climbed down. Nobody noticed me. Once I reached the ground, I sped past the few people out on the streets and made my way to the place where the scream had come from.
It was at the high school. In front of it, actually.
I made sure that I was alone, before shoving my sword into its holder and snapping my fingers. When it had disappeared, I focused on the corpse.
It lay by the front entrance. The doors were closed and locked. Smudges of blood reflected the dim light of the streetlights. They made the original blue colour appear purple. I walked closer. The victim was a woman. Her eyes were wide open and lifeless. She was covered in her blood, as was the ground around her. Her insides were clawed out of her body and carelessly spread across the ground like the discarded toys of a toddler. It was clear to me that the killer had been a newly turned werewolf. Newbies were more predator and couldn't control their urges, unless their makers - the wolves who'd turned these newbies - taught them how to.
I took my phone from my back pocket and quickly snapped a few pictures of the corpse and the scene around it. I tried to find anything useful by fingering her pockets and bag. The only thing I found was a passport. I took a picture of that, too. Placing the passport back in the bag, I grabbed the disposable phone in my back pocket. I dialed 911 and dropped the phone on the ground, after wiping my fingerprints off of it.
The high school was positioned at the edge of the woods of Fortuna. The building itself wasn't very special, with two floors and ancient cameras lining its hallways. The forest, however, was a different story. The trees and bushes had been there for more than a century. They cast large shadows in the light of the moon. There was barely enough space between them to fit a human of decent size. In the light of day, the forest was a hangout spot for a lot of people. At night, humans would never dare to set foot in it. It was a classic, really. So, of course, I hid behind one of the bushes and watched the police handle things.
At first, there was nothing. No sirens, no sheriffs.
Then, a woman showed up.
She was wearing a deputy uniform. Her hair was a dark brown, to match her eye colour. Her skin was a tone lighter than her hair and eyes, like cacao powder. Those eyes told the story of a hard life. They came with two layers of bags and slight wrinkling. She couldn't have been older than thirty five years old. Her posture was fit and alert. Her fingers were wrapped around a gun that she was pointing in front of her. Only by how she held it, I could already tell she had to be a perfect shot. She seemed capable, for a human.
The woman made her way past the sign in front of the pavement at the foot of the school. That was when she noticed the mess that was the school's entrance. Cursing softly, she made sure the area was clear from her point of view, before calling out.
"Hello? Is anybody there?"
I didn't answer. She didn't expect anyone to.
"This is deputy Carlson. If you are there, walk slowly towards me and don't make any sudden movements or rash decisions. I've got a gun and I will use it. Now, show yourself."
Again, I didn't do as she requested. She waited a few seconds, before circling the area she could see. That didn't involve the forest, like I had predicted. She took the walkie-talkie from her belt and pressed a button.
"This is Carlson. I need backup. We've got a code red at the school. Do you copy?"
She released the button. For a second, all there was to hear was cracking on the other hand. Then, there came a two worded answer.
"Copy that."
Minutes later, a team of agents entered the crime scene. When they found the untraceable phone on the ground and the obvious claw marks on the body, I took it as my cue to leave. They didn't notice me. I ran across the empty streets of the outskirts of Fortuna.
The further I came, the less streetlights there were. When I finally got to the deserted factory I'd claimed as my own, I pulled open the large doors and closed them behind me. It was dark, but thanks to my werewolf sight, I could see clearly. I crossed the room and punched in a code on a panel that was attached to the wall. The door next to it slid open to reveal my temporary home.
The space behind the wall was parted in four small rooms. The main room was a bedroom with a bed and closet, the second a bathroom with a shower, sink and mirror, the third was a kitchen with a fridge and freezer and the fourth was a study with a few high tech computers. I crossed the bedroom and entered the bathroom. Undressing, I glanced into the mirror. My blue eyes looked back at me, reflecting my own indifference. They wandered down my thin nose, full lips and my body, past the scars and tattoos on my light skin.
I straightened and stepped into the shower.

The following day, I reached the high school early. One glance at the entrance told me someone had tried very hard to scrub away the blood. They had succeeded enough as to not have the humans be able to see it anymore. I was, though.
I walked past it and into the hallway.
There weren't many people there, but those who were, were very human. They noticed me. Of course they did. They didn't try to talk to me. I probably didn't look very friendly in my leather jacket, cropped top, jeans and high heels. As per usual, I was in all black. Needless to say I gave off quite the first impression.
I pulled my rucksack higher up my back and continued to my classroom.
When I sat down on a chair in the back of the classroom, only three people were there with me. Again, they were human. I didn't have to wait long, before others slowly started to enter. One of them was a werewolf, another probably a hunter. The rest was human. Chatting filled the room. I couldn't help but pick up an interesting conversation from outside. One of the two talking sounded exactly like the Alpha from the day before, the other seemed to be a human adult.
"I just want you to be careful, sir. You can't mess around with her kind," the Alpha said.
"Tobias, I know that," the adult replied. "I've had a few experiences with Protectors before."
"Yeah, yeah. I just don't want her starting a vendetta against me or my pack."
"Listen, kid." The two seemed to be awfully close. Noted. "All Protectors take the job with a reason. They want revenge or to protect or something entirely different. Some got good reasons. They can still turn evil, but it doesn't mean that she is. You should find out who she is, before you judge her."
I liked this man. He sounded wise, too.
"Whatever. Just be careful."
"You, too."
Footsteps came towards the door. The Alpha entered. He caught me looking at him. I winked. He scowled. This was the beginning of a beautiful friendship, I could tell. Behind him, the adult was watching me. He was a Latino, complete with black, curly, shoulder long hair and moustache. Wisdom was very evident in his brown eyes. His built was a bit too bulky for a teacher. I nodded at him. The Alpha took the seat furthest away from me, the adult went to stand in the front.
"Hello, class."
He was greeted with a chorus of mornings and hello's. I seemed not to be the only one who'd taken a liking in him.
"Today, we've got a newbie in our midst. Her name is Danica Smith. Would you please introduce yourself, Danica?"
"Not really," I replied.
There wasn't really a need to tell anyone anything special or specific about my character. I was planning on finishing this assignment and leaving as fast as possible. Plus, the more lies you tell, the more can come back and bite you in the ass later.
"Okay, then," the man replied. He shared a look with the Alpha. "Well, I am Joseph Abana and this is my history class."
From there, he jumped into an explanation about the Second World War. I felt the Alpha's eyes on me the entire time. I'd have to do some research on him, when I got to my house. I hadn't thought it had been needed, but I'd run into more animosity than I'd prepared for. More attention. I couldn't have him or his pack getting in the way.
When Abana finished up class, the Alpha was still looking at me. I had ignored him, but instincts were triggered by his staring. I finally let my eyes meet his. I let them flash violet for a second. Then, they changed back to their normal colour and I looked away. Abana had followed our small exchange. He looked like he'd accomplished something. He wasn't the only one who'd noticed. I saw the hunter kid watching us. His scowl was worse than the Alpha's. As the bell rang, I winked at him. Then, I grabbed my rucksack and left the room with the other students.
Just before I was out of hearing range, I heard him asking "Who the hell is she?"
The question I was asking myself was who the hell he was. And not just because he was handsome. Because he was. He had short, brown hair. His eyes were of a darkish brown, almost black. His jawline was sharp enough to cut glass. His built was slim, but strong. He was wearing a grey V-neck, black jeans and black trainers. His muscles hadn't gone unnoticed. I'd have to watch out for him. He was undeniably a threat, even if he was human and even if I was a Protector. I'd have to look into this guy, too. I couldn't really assess him with what I knew. Especially since the only thing I knew of him was that his surname was the surname of the only hunter family in the city.

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