Chapter 1

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"Come and catch me, Lila!" Merry Brandybuck shouted from across the pasture. I stood-up from sitting on the tree roots and brushed off my cotton dress. I ran to catch up with Merry, my sandy blonde ringlets bounced in the wind. My bare feet thumped against the hard ground as a took a short cut across the cobble road, barely missing a horse-drawn cart. "Hello, Mr. Proudfoot!" I shouted to the cart driver. He threw me a mushroom, "Send your parents my greeting, Lila!" I nodded my head and ran on towards Merry. I saw Mr. Bilbo sitting on a bench smoking his pipe and waving at me. I turned my head and waved back, tripping over a loose rock in the road and fell. "Hello there!" a unfamiliar voice called to me. I stared up at him, my face covered in dirt and my hair a mess "Hi, I'm Lila Underhill." I say while wiping off my face. "My name is Peregrin Took. Call me Pippin." He extended his hand and helped me up. I smiled "Thank you, Pippin! I was trying to catch Meriadoc Bradybuck but I fell." His face lit up like one of Gandalf's fireworks "I know Merry! He is on his way to Farmer Maggot's farm." I lifted the mushroom and held it out in front of me, "Here. Take it" Pippin takes it out of my hand slowly as if he thinks its a trick. "Thank you! Lets go get more of these, shall we?" I nod my head and run after him, making sure to place my feet carefully. 

When we reach the farm, Merry and Frodo run towards us with mushrooms and cabbages in their arms hiding their faces. Sam ran behind them shouting "Run! Mr. Maggot is bringing his dogs!" Farmer Maggot's dogs are vicious dogs that bit me when I was little. I looked at the scar on my arm while everyone else ran away. "Sorry about this, Lila!" Samwise Gamgee shouted as he lifted me of the ground and slung me onto his back. I held on tightly, remembering the wretched past. Sam's feet thumped over the grass field. "Let's go to Bag End to see Bilbo! He is the only hobbit that will help us wash these mushrooms!" Frodo offered. "Alright then!" shouted Sam setting me down gently. "Sorry about that Lila. Here, have a cabbage!" Sam handed me a round cabbage and smiled. "Let's go see Bilbo now!" shouted Pippin. We walked up to the forest green door and walked inside, greeted by a dwarf. "Balin, at your service." he said, bowing. I curtsied and the boys bowed, "Lila at your service." He nodded and left, apologizing for having to leave so soon. "Bilbo!" Frodo called to his uncle "Bilbo we have some treasures!" Treasures were the word that the young hobbits used for crops around Bilbo so no one else would know what they had. "Coming, my dear Frodo!" Bilbo shouted from across Bag End. "Come into the kitchen!" Bilbo ordered. We walked into the kitchen and gathered around the table, organizing the crops by species. "16 mushrooms, 6 cabbages, 23 carrots, and 10 potatoes! Quite a load there!" Bilbo observed. I reached into my pocket and pulled out what I carried back, "Here, 2 more carrots!" Bilbo smiled and layed them next to the other carrots. "Lets spilt them up, shall we!" suggested Merry. Each junior got 3 mushrooms, 1 cabbage, 5 carrots, and 2 potatoes. Pippin took the last mushroom and Sam took the last cabbage. "Its getting late. Your mother will want to know where you have been, Miss Underhill!" Bilbo said as I walked out the door with my share. "I'll walk you home." Pippin said while Merry snickered. We walked down the path for what seemed like a long time until we heard a noise "You are not welcome here"


 Hehehehe, cliff hanger!

If you want to have your hobbit char in the story tell me their name and a description in the comments...

Who wants a dedication? Tell me your lotr moment in real life in the comments and ill pick the best!

Thanks for reading!


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