Chapter 1

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(Just so you know chapters will be much longer than this! This is only to get y'all started :) Updates will be every Saturday night, or Sunday afternoon. Please vote and comment :D)

Chapter 1

September 3rd, 1999

The date everything went wrong. I was 2 years old when my parents split up. Of course I didn't know what was going on at the time, but I did know I loved them both equally. So imagine little me not knowing what the hell was going while her parents fought all night. Their yelling was nearly impossible to tune out. I was curled up in a ball not knowing what to do or what they were talking about. After they got tired of fighting they got a divorce. Dad took custody of me. I don't mean I dont miss my mother, but to be honest I can't remember her. So I can't really miss her I guess.

The only thing I remember about her is her eyes. Bright emerald green. Mine are crystal blue. My father's are chocolate brown. Don't ask me why I don't have hazel eyes or something like that because I honestly don't know. I have blonde hair and my father has really dark brown hair you'd think it was black.  Don't get me wrong, I love my dad, but there are times I need a mother in my life.

Like now.

I sit alone upstairs in my small, but comfy room as I pack my things slowly.

"Andy! Hurry up!"

I look around my room. I look at the baby blue walls covered with posters and sayings. Goodbye room. Goodbye house. Goodbye neighborhood. Goodbye life.

I suck in a breathe, trying to keep my emotions bottled up. Don't cry, don't cry, don't fucking cry! I quickly shove the rest of the clothes into my luggage.  All of my personal belongings are already taken care of. I walk up to my window, looking at the house next door. The house of my best friend, Glen.

As if he can sense me watching his window, he withdraws the curtains. He looks at me with his big brown eyes that i've always been jealous of. His eyes aren't cheery and joyful as they usually are, they are full of sadness.

"Andrea Jane Larson!" I hear my father call, using my full name.

I groan. I'm not ready to move. I'm not ready to leave Glen behind. And i'm definitely not ready to go to a new high school in England. Oh, sweet, sweet, America. I shall miss you so much. I look back at Glen's window, but he's not there. Now it really is time to leave.

I grab my two luggage and bring them downstairs, each step killing me slowly inside. I see my father waiting for me by the door. I also see Glen standing by him. When I get to the last step and am on the floor I drop my luggage, running to Glen, almost knocking him over. I let one tear slip away, even though I want to break down screaming and crying.

"Annie, don't cry. " he tries to sooth me.

"Ah, screw it." he says.

I feel his shoulders shake and my shoulder feels damp. I can't do this, but I have no choice. I have to go with my dad and finish high school at this boarding school. I wish I had a choice though.

"I don't want to leave you, Glen." I say with a shaky voice, sniffling.

We pull away from out hug and he looks at me with his red puffy eyes.

"And I don't want you to leave, Annie."

I involuntarily sweep his brown hair. My bottom lip quivers.

"I'm sorry." I say, barley above a whisper.

I look at my dad in pure anger. I can't believe he's doing this to me. It takes me all the power I have in me not to go off on him. I walk back to the stairs and grab my bags. I walk up to my father.

"I don't care how much money you'll be making at your new job. You can take the money, you can take the new house, you can take all your expensive things, but you can't take away my life."

My tone is dead serious. My father looks at me with shock, but that's only there for a second.

"Say goodbye to Glen, Andrea, then get in the car."

My father walks out of the house, to his car. I turn to look at Glen. He has a little grey box with a red bow tied on the top in his hands.

"I, um, got you something to remember me by." he says quietly, holding the box out to me.

I smile, despite the sadness. I take the box and gently untie the bow. My mouth parts in surprise. In the box is a silver bracelet. I carefully pick it up, and I notice there is a engraving.

Glen and Annie


"Do you like it?" Glen asks shyly.

I am speechless that he would buy this for me. I slip the bracelet on, lifting my wrist up to my face and admiring it. I give Glen a wide smile.

"I love it, Glen."

He smiles back.

"You better. That thing costed me sooo much money. If you didn't like it I would have to kill you then take your wallet."

We both laugh. I pull Glen into another hug.

"I am so sorry." I murmer.

He sighs heavily.

"I know, Annie. Call me everyday, okay? I will take no excuses if you don't."

"I promise."

And I really do intend to keep this promise. He's just too close of a friend for me to let us drift apart. A honk coming form my dad's car startles the both of us, causing us to jump apart. Glen gives me a crooked smile.

"Be strong for me, Annie."

"I will."

Glen grabs my luggage, and he walks to the car. I walk out of my house, but stop half way down the driveway. I look behind me at the redish-brown house. I sigh. Like I said... Goodbye life.

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