Chapter One

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Vic's POV:

I watched him walk down the street. He's perfect. His skinny and pale figure. His long(but not too long) hair with blue streaks. His beautiful blue eyes. I want him to notice me, but that would ruin the plan. And I'm carrying that plan out tonight. He will be mine, whether he knows it or not. But for now I have to go prepare stuff for his arrival.

*Time lasp to night*

I walk up to his apartment, considering he's only just gotten out college, and grab the spare key he he hides in the light outside the door. Once inside I navigate straight to his room, since I'm in here every night watching him sleep. I gently pick up the small sleeping boy  and take him to my car. For safe measures, I put him into the trunk. Can't have him freaking out in the back seat while I'm driving.

The drive to my house is short and silent, but a content silent cause I have my one true love. I play all of Kellin's favorite songs, I have a playlist of them, to calm him. I heard him hitting the trunk, meaning he's awake. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees me. He's going to be so happy. I smile widely as I pull into my driveway. Getting out I walk around to the back with a chloroform rag ready. I open the trunk and immediately put the rag over his mouth. I hate doing this to him but it's just precaution. And until he's calm I have to keep him in a cell downstairs. Once I get him down the and chained up I leave to go upstairs.

Seeing that it's around 3 in the morning, I go to my room for some well needed sleep and dreams of Kells.

*next morning* Kellin's POV:

I was kidnapped. Fucking KIDNAPPED!! What the hell did I do. I mean yea I can be an asshole, but THIS. Suddenly the door swings open and a short man walks in. I can't quite see his face yet but he's fucking short. Once he gets closer I see that he has longish brown hair, brown eyes, a build like he works out hardcore. If it weren't in this situation I'd actually go for him. But it's all so different now. "Hey, Kellin." he says with a big smile. "Who are you? Why am I fucking here!" I question. "Well, I'm Vic." he begins. My impatience getting the best of me as he pauses after he says his name. I urge him to hurry up. "I thought you'd feel it." he says frowning. Feel it? "Feel what?" "Nothing." he says and leaves. "What about breakfast!" I scream. I sigh, is he really that moody? He turns and just gives me a longing look and continues out the door. "Well, this is just fucking lovely." I sighed.

Vic's POV:

He doesn't feel it. How could he not! It's obviously there. The sparks. The butterflies. I sigh and go get him some food. I hope he figures out his feelings soon. I walk back to Kellin's cell with his breakfast and place it in front of him. Once I put it down I sit across from him. "What do you want from me." he whispers. Is he scared. I think he is. "Kellin, darling, don't you know that we're in love?" I ask. His eyes widen. Does He realize? "I don't even know you! Is this some kind of fucking sick joke! Cause if it is, I don't find it funny." he yells. I look at him with a look of hurt and shock spreading across my face. "You're a fucking freak! Ya know that!" He yells. "That's all you'll ever be. And no one will ever love you." He finishes screaming now. Something inside me snaps and I yank him up by his shackles and throw him against the wall. He doesn't even look phased. I start throwing him and punching him. "I hope you've learned your lesson." I scream while beating him. "Nothing I haven't dealt with before." he spits. Venom lacing his every word. I don't wanna keep going but he needs to learn his fucking lesson. I see a bruise forming on his shin and I almost shed a tear at the sight. But he needs to learn. I'm doing this cause I love him. He loves me too so he will understand. But suddenly I hear a gut-wrenching snapping sound. I look at my darling's face and see him crying as he cradles his left arm. "You broke my fucking arm! You goddamn asshole!" He screams followed by a string of profanities. "I did it because I love you!" I scream back. "Yea, well I'm sure no one loves you. Fix my goddamn arm or I'll break yours." He says and those words pierce my heart(A/N: Get it XD). I sigh in defeat. How can I say no to him! I love him so much. I unshackle him and grab the bottle of chloroform and rag off the wall. " I have to do this, my love. I hope you understand." I say quietly and pour some on the rag. "Don't you fucking dare! I swear to fucking god Vic! I'll kill yo-" I cut him off with the rag and watch while he struggles to not breathe it in. "Good job, babyboy." I praise him. And, yes, I know he can't hear me. But I love him so much I just can't help it. And now I take a moment to look at him. And then the excitement sets in. I actually have him! I have my one true love! Kellin Quinn is right in front of me. I reach down and run my fingers through his soft hair. I wonder what it would be like to do that while he gives me head. While his hands grip my thighs. I shiver at the thought. Even with these bruises forming on his face, he's still so beautiful. No, not beautiful. Angelic. He's angelic. He's my little angel. Remembering what I'm supposed to be doing, I pick him up and carry him to the car. Once there I gently kiss his forehead and lay him down on the backseat. I then hurry to the driver's seat and take my precious little angel to the hospital.

*Skip car ride cause I can*

"Please help me! Please! He was beaten and knocked unconscious!" I yell and the nurses come and take him and put him on a gurney. I'm told by a nurse to sit down and wait while they examine him, so I do so. I decide to pull out my phone and text my brother, Mike.

Vic: Hey Mikey.

Mike: Sup man.

Vic: I'm in the hospital, I had a little incident.

Mike: Dude are you okay! I'm gonna come there! Stay put!

Vic: It wasn't me, Mike. It was Kellin.

Mike: Damn, you're STILL obsessed with this kid?

Vic: I'm not obsessed. Kellin loves me. We're dating!

Mike: Vic, no you're not. He doesn't know who you are! What have you done!

Vic: He lives with me now, I asked him to move in and he said yes! We're so happy together! <3


Vic: No? I told you he moved in with me. Can't you read?

Mike: I'm coming right now, don't fucking go anywhere!

I'm about to reply when the nurse yells asking for people with Kellin. So I jump up and walk over to her. "Hi, I'm here in regards to my boyfriend Kellin Quinn?" she nods and opens up her manila folder. "Well, I'm afraid Kellin has sustained some major injuries. He has a broken arm, six broken ribs, and a punctured lung. He's going to have to stay here for awhile. We don't yet know howw long, cause, well, he's non-responsive. You are welcome to go see him though. He is in room 217, that's the third floor." she says and walks back into the closed corridor. I walk over  to the elevator and head up to his floor. And soon enough I'm walking through his door. But one look at my poor angel has me falling to the floor crying. I walk over to his broken body and wrap my arms around him. "Darling, you'll be okay." I whisper and then kiss his forehead.

Mike's POV(ohh shocker):

I sprint into the hospital with police right behind me. "What room is Kellin Quinn in!" I yell. "217" the nurse replies looking scared. We nod and take off running to the elevators. "It's on the third floor!" I hear her yell. We enter the elevator and hit the third floor button and impatiently wait the ride up. Once off, we sprint to Kellin's room. As agreed, I go in first. And alone. "Hey Vic. How's Kellin?" I ask. "He's not responding." he chokes out. "Vic, you know Kellin doesn't love you. Or even know you for that matter. Right?" I ask and I see the first cop sneak in. "Kellin does love me! Kellin is MINE! And no one is gonna tell me otherwise!" he yells. But then we hear a frail voice speak up for the first time. "I-I don't love you V-vic. I d-don't even kn-now you." Kellin croaks. "No! You love me Kellin! Stop lying!" Vic screams and more police stream in. "You beat me Vic. You're why I'm here. Maybe if you didn't kidnap me and introduced yourself to me, you would've had a chance. But, you hurt me. And for that I hate you." Kellin cries. And right as Vic breaks down, the cops put the handcuffs on him. "Victor Fuentes, you are under arrest for the kidnap and assault Of Kellin Botswick Quinn. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law." The officer says and that's when I run to Kellin and cry out apologies.

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