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Being with you makes me happy. I tell you I won't get jealous but the stories you tell me make me sad. Knowing I will never be able to live up to them. You tell me you love me but how. I can't do what they do. Why. Why did you chose me. Im not your type. Are you playing with me. Because you were desprate. You told me you were. But you say that it was the old you. People don't change over night. Please reassure me. Days without you seem long and heartbreaking. What if I stop having feelings for you. How will I end things. I gave you my everything. You were my first kiss my first boyfriend the first person I took intrest to. You gave me your favorite stiffed animal but why. You tell me you are inexperiencedced but the things you tell me other wise. I have so many secrets I don't want to tell but I feel like I have to. But it will change your veiws of me. But then you song love me anymore will you. You say you love the real me but you don't know the real me. People are starting things and it hurts. What if they find diet then you hate me. My anxiety can't take this pain. I'm on breaking point. But I love you. Do you do love me. In your heart do you ach when I walk away. Does it hurt when in sad. Does it ach as I cry myself to sleep. Does it bother you I'm broken. It bothers me not knowing these answers. I want to be alone with you forever. But you want to be with friends. I want to be your center of attention but I know that wont happen. Next year your going to a different school. I don't want you to go. What will happen to us. Please answer me. You won't see this but I will rembmer this. You hate when people deny them selfs but I deny myself everyday. I'm a failure in my eyes. My sad left because he couldn't pay for my child support. I couldn't end my life. I caused my mom cancer. I stressed her out too much with my pety problems. I can't pass school I wont make it in life. I stress you out. I'm the opposite of a stress ball. I an the stress. Why do you keep me in your life.

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