Winterwatcher Fanfiction

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Moon and all her friends had left Jade Mountain Academy after Winter had fled to find his lost brother, Hailstorm, who was apparently still alive. They all had met up with Winter to help him and they have given him a Skyfire so that Moon couldn't read his mind. Winter was surprised at the fact how Moon was able to read minds since he thought all the Nightwing's lied about their powers. Maybe it was ok Winter liked Moonwatcher more than normal...

It was turning night after all the dragonets had met up and given Winter the Skyfire. The last thought Moon heard from Winter was what had she heard?

Oh, Moon had heard a lot. She had heard how stuck up with the world Winter was and how he was always comparing himself to his fellow Icewings. He would always think what would mother say and all the Nightwings are bad, stop thinking she's any different...

From all Winter's thoughts, Moon got the idea that Winter was still not fully ok with her. Of course, many other dragon's had thoughts like his, it was just that Winter's were directly at her while other's were just at Nightwings in general.

All the other dragonets had gone to bed but Moon. Since the Skyfires, Moon has found how other dragons see the world; without other's thoughts going off in their head. It was too quiet for Moon. She got up and flew down to the river close to where they settled for the night. Moon had to get used to the silence. In the mean time, the river will have to do. Moon dug her claws in the dirt and flicked her tail through the water. This is nice she thought. Suddenly, there was a cool breeze that swept by her. She looked up and noticed it wasn't a breeze at all.

"I know how you feel," Winter said coming up to sit beside Moon, "Now everyone knows your secret and you're feeling like you've done something wrong."

Moon looked at him. He was staring down at the river, avoiding her eyes.

"I was never like my sister," Winter admitted, "I always tried to be like Icicle, but I couldn't. Once my mom noticed, she never treated me fairly anymore. She always gave Icicle more chances and sort of ignored me. I'm always trying to impress her but she doesn't care anymore. Now, my actions are what my mother wants me to be. It's not my fault who I am, and I can't change it."

It was quiet again except for the river. Moon didn't know what to tell him so she just kept looking at him.

"I guess that's how you feel," Winter said finally looking up at Moon so they were now making eye contact, "Other dragons blaming you for what your mother did. It's not your fault that she did what she did. You had no control over being born in the rainforest and having your powers. It's not your fault you turned out the way you turned out," finished Winter.

Moon was still speechless. She was so confused why Winter was telling her all this. I wish I could read his mind right now! thought Moon.

All Moon knew what to say was, "Thank you."

Winter next pulled off his Skyfire which allowed Moon to read his mind.

I still don't know if you can actually read minds or if you were just lying about that like the other Nightwings, but if you can, I just wanted to say I love you Moon. I was never able to say that until now when I could fully understand what your going through. I'm sorry how I treated you and I'm sorry if you don't feel the same but I just wanted to get to tell you just in case if one of us dies because I won't be able to live with myself--

Moon leaned over and hugged Winter. It was cold but she didn't mind. Winter was smiling and so was she. The two then got up, tails untwined with each other's, and walked back over to the rest of the dragonets to sleep.

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