Chapter 7- Sleep

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Chapter 7- Sleep
Russell P.O.V
Holly had already gone to bed. She was really tired. Jon and I were still sat in the living room watching the t.v. "You're looking after Holly then?" Asked Jon.
"Yeah. We only met yesterday. She was sat outside the gig I was doing yesterday and she looked really scared. I went over to ask her if she was ok. She told me what had been happening and I offered to get her home until she said her mum was there so I gladly offered her to stay here." I explained.
"That's very kind of you."
"That's the type of guy I am." I said. I started to yawn. I had become very tired all of a sudden.
"I think we should go to bed." Jon said. I started to laugh.
"What? Together?" I joked. Jon started to laugh.
"You know what I mean." He said. "Are you fine with me sleeping in your room?"
"Yeah Jon. It's the least I could do for my best friend." I said getting up. "Anyway I am going to get the spare duvet from Holly's wardrobe and sleep down here. I don't want to wake her and she need the sleep. She wouldn't really want to hear me snoring."
Jon laughed. "That is true." He joked. I punched his arm.
We walked upstairs and Jon went into his room. "Night Russ."
"Night Jon." I said as I was walking to Holly's bedroom.
Holly P.O.V
I couldn't sleep. I went to bed early to try and sleep and get my thoughts away, but I couldn't. The worries of my mum, step dad and step brother coming to find me really did scare me. I know I shouldn't worry because Russell said that he and Jon would protect me.
I herd footsteps. I closed my eyes. I herd Jon. "Night Russ."
"Night Jon." Said Russell's voice which was closer. The door opened. I opened my eyes to see Russell going in my wardrobe pulling out the spare duvet.
"Russell." I said quietly. He quickly turned.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"Yeah. What are you doing?" I asked.
"I'm going to sleep downstairs. I think you need your sleep and having me here will not help." He said. Standing straight. He was about to leave.
"No. Don't." He looked at me confused. "Please don't leave me alone. I'm scared." I admitted.
Russell walked towards me. "Are you sure?"
"Ok. I will just go and get changed."
Russell P.O.V
I walked out of Holly's room and walked into my room forgetting that Jon was in there. "Have you never heard of knocking?" Said Jon.
"Sorry mate. I need to get my pyjamas." I said. Walking to my draws and pulling out my pyjama top and shorts. I walked out and went into the bathroom and got changed.
When I walked back into Holly's bedroom she looked sound asleep. I got under the covers and looked up at the ceiling. I am going to the studio tomorrow to prepare for Good News. I think I will take Holly. She can talk to Rose, she comes in to do the sketches but also helps us find the best stories to do for a sketch.
All of a sudden Holly turned around and rested her head on my chest. She didn't know what she was doing. That made me smile. I also feel to sleep soon after.

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