Little Red

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    Chapter 1                                  

               "Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you." - Satchel Piage

10 Years Ago 

The moon shone bright in the sky, like the beacon of a lighthouse, guiding me to my grandmother's house in the dead of night. I skipped quitely and mumbled the lyrics to a nursery rhyme my mother taught me, following the worn trail I was told to never stray from.

 A faint sparkle captured my sight, and I stopped, momentarily, to glance at it. It was a ring, and it was ten feet off of the trail. I'd never been one to break the rules, but it was just so beautiful. I ran to grab it, making sure I was barely making any sound.

 I reached it, and bent down to retrieve it, my hand shaking. It looked like real amyethyst, and was surrounded by a delicate sterling silver. Trying it out, I noticed it fit perfectly on my middle finger.

 I turned around and saw a dark shadow looming behind a tree with branches spiraling up into oblivion.

 "Who-who's there?" I asked cautiously, my already high voice spiking up an octave. When no one answered, I began to sowly walk again, keeping the mass in my peripheral vision. My breathing was hitched and I was stumbling around on the clear path, thinking about all of the reasons why I should just bolt for my Grandmother's house.

 It wasn't far from where I was now, maybe five or six minutes of walking. Two while running, which I decided to do now.

 The exhertion wasn't as hard as I thought it would be as I pushed myself further and further, faster and faster. It actually made me feel free, my rep cape flowing behind me like the waves in the ocean.

 A hard tug stoped me and turned me around. Black fingers wrapped around my wrist, clutching me hard. "Let go!" I screamed, panic filling my mind and enveloping me until it was the only thing I could think of.

 A dark chuckle sounded from the black robe, and the hands grabbed tighter. "I will let you go when I feel it is neccesary," Was the response. I didn't like the sound of that, so I tried to kick him, but failed miserably, only hitting thin air. 

 "Please, I don't want to die." I whined.

 "I'm not going to kill you." It answered, sounding surprised at my thoughts. But, at this point I couldn't think of anything else he would want me for. He leaned down to my height and pulled the robe off his head, exposing a wolf mask. "Do you know what a werewolf is?" He asked me, his voice muffled by the strange cover on his face.

 "A mythical creature." I replied hautily. "Now, let me go before I scream again." He just chuckled darkly, raising up to his full height, causing my four feet eleven inches to seem incredibly miniscule.

 "No one can hear you out here, it's a void." He turned around and took off the mask, his back facing me as ripples started to surge through his body.

 "And, werewolves are just as real as you and me." He coughed out as he droped to his knees.

 His arms and legs started to shrink and morph into that of a wolf, his mouth and nose forming a hard muzzel filled with hundreds of sharp teeth. Dark gray fur sprouted out all around him, and gave him a short pelt, while bat-like ears finished his transformation.

 When he turned back around to face me, I heard a far-off voice that seemed to come at me from no where but yet everywhere. "If you can hear me, your special. The elders apreciate the special and have sent me to finish a mission." The wolf's eyes were locked on mine, so there was no doubt, no matter how unreasonable it seemed, he was the one that was talking.

 I just opened my mouth in awe.

 A werewolf was standing in front of me.

 "You will become one of us." I didn't think I'd heard him right, since I had only been half listening.

 "What do you mean 'one of us'?" I was very smart for my eight years, but sometimes lost focus easily.

 "I mean this." He lunged, knocking me to the ground, his hot breath was the only thing I could inhale before I passed out.

 The last thing I remeber is the smell hitting my nostrils.


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