Forgotten Dolls

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"Haven't you forgot me?"
"Never." I reassured. My mind was instantly triggered at the sight of the stringed together crimson hair falling lifelessly out of the glazed peach skin, tarnished with age.The glacier blue walls with lime hills and the vibrant fuchsia petals attached to the floral details,  acted as a mirror, in which I reflected in.
      "You seem to have drifted from the path I met you on." Implied the voice.
      "Ahhh, yes, I guess age is sorta like a turning signal." I awkwardly added as I shuffled around the room rummaging through various types of trinkets.
      "We used to be so close, you loved the feel of my Crimson hair against your ivory skin, you loved the feel of it between your fingers as you practiced braiding. You loved to spend hours in toy stores gazing at the infinite amount of clothes you could dress me in. You used to play with me, your eyes gleaming with the dream of one day very soon becoming a mother and having children upon children, you were sick of being one. Was it something I did?" The voice said calmly yet the words attacked me furiously.
       "No... No... " I stuttered. "Nothing personal" I attempted to reassure the voice but I couldn't quite reassure myself yet. "You are a true character!" I chimed.
      "Yes in deed, what a marvelous one I was... Am. You did create me, remember?"
      "I... I did? Oh that's right! That's truly amazing! Simply assorted fabrics stitched together, but I was the one to give you life!"
     "Don't act so astonished darling, you can create anything, much like the imaginary friend you created, I believed she lives in that there closet. Oh let's not let the memory of Molly slip away! What a beautiful doll you had!"
      "Oh yea.... I created them. I wonder what happened."
       "You don't create your own specified reality any more?"
      "I, I'm not quite sure how." I said puzzled
     "So you have forgotten." The voice whispered in disappointment. " I was afraid the world would find a way to corrupt your soul, reality always seems to strangle the spark of wonder and imagination children possessed, I thought maybe, you'd be different. "Instantly those words replayed themselves in my mind, I felt as if I'd disappointed someone, something, had the world really snatched my thirst for fictional words, and characters?
"I, never intended this to happen. " croaked my innocent voice, I stood there my face blushing as a void of silence appeared in the room adding to the awkwardness.
      "No one bee does, they hope to the good Lord that one day just like the rose wine tulips they will blossom into adulthood."
"I guess with the modifications made to become an adult also comes the sacrifice of innocence and mental agility. Huh" I mumbled.
        "Knowledge may be power, but it is also the root of all destruction that demolishes our precious youth leaving us to the chaos and blandness of this repetitious humdrum life, adulthood is rebirth of the mind."
        "I never viewed it from that philosophical perspective." I said astonished. "I guess the only outlets to other universes is youth, or insanity. I can't forget the insanity of youth." I said agreeing, slowly a mental break through began.
        "I knew you'd remember." The voice insisted smiling.
      " how could I forget the era that built me." I pondered over the thoughts I gained then asked " who knew all doll had such wisdom.
        "I'm not a doll, I am youth."
       "And I remember you, because I created you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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