Draco has updated his status to: Gangster life

Harry: How?

Draco: I killed Dumbledore, remember?

Dumbledore: no

Draco: 0.0 but I shot you off the astronomy tower with the killing curse

Dumbledore: oh that, I refused to die. You see, I get to choose when I die and i didn't wanna die cuz of a lame little Hogwarts boy that has a diary.


Hermione: me

Harry: me

Ron: me

Ginny: me

Snape: me

Voldemort: you've got an interesting diary.

Draco: ._. why?

Voldemort: so it's not bad that anyone else reads it but it's bad when I do?

Harry: well you already read my mind so idgaf

Ginny: HARRY!!!

Harry: shut it Weaslette

Ginny: -_-

Fred: oh no

Harry: what?

George: she just gave you the look

Harry: what could go wrong if a girl just gave me a look

Hermione: oh no you didn't -_-

George&Fred: we warned you.....

Harry: what do you mean?

Ginny: the Weaslette and Granger are gonna cause some danger

Harry: *runs*

Ginny: Har Har Har

Hermione: he thinks he can escape XD you thought wrong

Harry: o-o

Ron: Run

Ginny: too late, we're here

Harry: :o

Hermione: we warned you....... *plays Iggy Azalea's rap album*

Harry: NOOOO!!!!

Everyone: *covers ears and run*

Ginny: ha ha ha >:]

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