boy next door

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yoongi stares blankly at the ceiling as he re-thinks his entire life, wondering what he has done wrong to be in this predicament.

finals week is fast approaching and he's been spending his days stu"dying" for exams and procrastinating over semester-long projects. if he's not in the university's library, you can find him at this chinese restaurant working too many hours because they're understaffed and his shitty boss has threatened to cut his pay.

college and trying to be an adult in general has transformed min yoongi into an epitome of stress and sleep deprivation. 

tonight is his only chance to get a good night's sleep, but alas! the person next door is not letting him get any of it.

when he hears another fit of coughing through the thin walls of his apartment, every rational thought escapes his brain and he storms out. he bangs his fist on his neighbor's door, at least five times before it opens up, revealing a young man wearing nothing but boxers.

his anger dissipates, completely distracted by the chiseled body and golden tan skin glistening with a sheen of sweat, and a pair of thick thighs that can probably choke him to death.

"w-what do you want?" yoongi actually chokes at the sound of his raspy voice and somewhat paralyzed  under the intensity of his gaze. his neighbor is insanely gorgeous with piercing eyes and plump lips and is practically dripping with sex appeal.

he mentally slaps himself, realizing how shamefully horny and embarrasingly thirsty he is. he decides that he isn't ready to face pure perfection in human form especially not in his ugly pyjamas. so he's going to be the bigger man and apologize for disturbing and come back to his neglected bed and tolerate the coughing noise just so he can catch up on sleep.

he doesn't even get to say a word because his neighbor is suddenly falling and he's screaming in horror and stumbling backwards as he struggles to lift the heavy weight off of him.

"ya!" he puts an arm around his waist to hoist him up, his free hand repeatedly but gently tapping his cheek, "ya, wake up!"

his neighbor is hot, literally, his skin feels like it's burning and he's breathing hard and sweating and yoongi is reminded of the incessant coughing he's been hearing and he finally realizes. his neighbor has a high fever, and it just so happens that he lose consciousness in front of yoongi.

he sighs deeply, begrudgingly, and takes responsibility. he doesn't have many friends and has a resting bitch face and uses the word fuck a lot but he's not heartless.

he pulls the man inside his apartment, down the small hallway and drops him on his bed. thank god his neighbor has a studio type because he is too weak to carry him around for too long. they may be similar in height but his neighbor definitely has more muscle mass.

he goes to the kitchen area which is literally ten steps away from the bed and he's able to find a piece of cloth and a stainless bowl that he fills with warm water. he leaves the cloth inside as he pulls a chair next to the bed. once he's seated, he wrings out the excessive water and places the damp cloth on his neighbor's forehead.

it's almost two in the morning when the fever has gone down. yoongi's eyes are drooping and his head is starting to hurt. he better get back to his own place before his body gives up on him. he slowly stands up, about to drag himself away, then a hand wraps itself around his wrist in a tight grip. everything is happening too fast and he finds himself on the bed, trapped in his neighbor's arms, their faces dangerously close to each other.

he thinks he just caught a fever too because he suddenly feels warmer and he can't breathe and his heart is acting crazy. he's crazy. this is crazy. this situation is disgustingly familiar to the k-dramas that his friends binge watch on weekends.

Boy next door // yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now