Chapter 1

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"Can I borrow some sunglasses, I can't see. Guys. GUYS?!"



I sighed and reluctantly put the sunglasses on, the world snapping out of the glare of the noonday sun. The drum major, our fearless leader, shot up his eyebrow at me.

"You done yet Kegan?"

"Well, now that I can see you, yes."

He rolled his eyes and called everyone to set. I snapped my sticks in place and tried to think nice thoughts rather then ones involving the murder of a certain flautist.

"Band! Look over here!"

Our drum major visibly slumped and motioned for us to relax. Our new director was a very...interesting woman.

"Okay, Joseph, I'm so sorry to interupt, but its time for ya'll to head back to the band room, there's a flyer I need you all to pick up, and we need to talk fundraising!"

Ms. Nickelson raised her hands and smiled while the band all audibly groaned. Joseph, beginning his ascent from his stand called out, "Kay, guys, pack it up." and started slumping towards me.

I walked as quickly as I could away from our fearless leader and picked up my backpack, walking double-time to get to the room.


I stopped. Just smile and don't start a conversation, don't start a...

"Hi Joseph!"

"Hows drumline doing?"


He smiled at me and my heart did a backflip. This was bad. You see, Joseph and I had a complicated history. I was his first best friend, and we were both eachothers first boyfriend/girlfriend. It was perfect while it happened, but then he decided he didnt like me. Now all that was left was his sisters hating me, unresolved sexual tension, memories, and an awkward accquanticeship.

I surfaced from my thoughts and saw I was alone. I turned the corner into the band room, answering questions, smiling, and explaining all without actually listening to the people around me. I found myself in front of my snare locker and put everything away and spun around right into the llama.

"uh, excuussee me?" she said, a sneer forming on her lip, her doe brown eyes narrowing.

"Im sorry! I was just...uh...leaving."

She rolled her eyes and kept on walking, muttering "Whore." right next to my ear. My eyes filled with tears, fuck, why do I care what his sister thinks? I marched out of the locker room and right into Daniels arms. Daniel, Michael, and Sam were my three best friends, Sam wasnt in the band, but Daniel and Michael were and I was planning on exploiting that fact.

"Oh Boo, whats wrong?" Daniel sighed.

I said nothing and burrowed deeper into his arms.

"Kegan? Aww..are you okay?" Michael said, noticing my emotional state.

"I know, its hard...come on...lets just leave." Daniel said quietly.

"I'll drive!" Michael all but yelled.

I disentagled myself from Daniel's scrawny arms, and looked up into Michaels huge eyes.

"Have I told you guys lately that I love you? Fuck this. Lets bolt." I smiled and walked out with my two brothers, only glancing back once to wonder....I hope we dont get pushups for this.

My name is Kegan, and if you ever want drama, go join a high school marching band, cause THIS is my story.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2013 ⏰

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