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I must take into account that these are NOT my meme quotes I got some of these online or off Pinterest though I may put in a few of my own ;) we will put these up every so often but for today this is AnnabethTardis writing so I hope y'all like it! For today I have Minion meme quotes!
I thought you said
"Extra fries"
I am in one of those moods where I want to throw a book at someone's face and say
"I facebooked you!"
You couldn't handle me even if I came with instructions.
(A/N Last one for today)
"Username or password incorrect."
....Well at least tell me which one it is.
I hope y'all liked those little meme quotes I'll be putting out some every other day unless something comes up in which I can't.

MemesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu