Chapter One!

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"Look Mum a shooting star!!"

"Make a wish sweetie"

I wish mum and dad would stop fighting.


The wish sent straight to our satellite, where we, the star people, record the wishes and make them come true. Humans had never noticed us before, and if they did, who knows what would happen.

I'm Jack, aged 14. Im in training to make wishes come true, and only the best of the best get chosen. We get assessed on our magic skills, camouflage skills, punctuality and our thinking which is the most important.

Every Star person has magic skills, obtained from shooting stars. Children who don't have magic skils, well, let's not talk about that.

 Okay I'll tell you.

 Children who do not have magic powers are very weak and end up dying before they hit the age of 8, or the council finds out and kill them or they are abandoned, in the hope that they survive and come home.

Every day Star warriors go and grant wishes, in and out all day every day. Some wishes we cannot grant like "I wish there was a second Earth for when this one dies", because it would kill all warriors to make a planet.

"I wish dinosaurs are still alive", well we can't do that either, for people's well being. 

"Jack come and do your chores!!", my mum yelled. I sighed and climbed down from a fake tree i was sitting in. Our planet is much the same as Earth, but far enough away from humans so they don't find us. And we dont have all the racism, sexism, and climate change.

"JACK!!", my mum yelled.

"I'm coming!!!!", I yelled back grumpily and walked to the house. Why was the tree fake? Cause the council couldn't be bothered planting a real one.

"Jack, you haven't done the dishes, or cleaned your room, not to mention the laundry!!", mum snapped crossly as I walked into the kitchen.

"You know Bella is almost old enough to do chores", I mentioned as I cleaned the dishes, and dried them, stacking them away neatly where they belong. Mum sighed. She had blonde curls, brown eyes, and a round body structure. She was kind....mostly.

"She doesn't have magic Jack, we can't get her exposed", Mum whispered the last part. Yes, my little sister is a non-magic user. She gets sick very easily and the house checks from the council do not help at all, we have to hide her when the council checks our house for anything suspicious, usually under the floorboards, where we have made a secret room.

You can tell when a Star child does not have magic. Star people look like humans, but have a friendlier, sparklier aura then most humans. Bella had a friendly aura, but without the sparkles. There was a sharp knock on the front door.

"Hide Bella, quickly Jack", mum hissed and I took off a floorboard, and Bella crawled into the room. When I put the floorboard back, it didn't look normal so i walked on it to put it back in place properly.

"Coming!!", mum yelled to the front door, and made her way over hurriedly. I used my magic to make the house look 100 times neater and roomier.

It was the council's henchmen.

"Ma'am, We need to talk to your son, Jack", one of them stated, and mum turned to me.

"What have you done this time?? Getting the council involved, they have better things to do you know", mum scolded.

"I didn't do any-", I was cut off by the henchmen.

"Jack hasn't done anything wrong, we just need to talk to him about something", the other one said soothingly, but that didn't calm my mum, so I squeezed past her.

"I'll be back in a sec mum okay?", I said and hugged her and she hugged me back tightly. The henchmen closed the door and walked me a little distance away from the house so no one would eavesdrop. I wasn't scared of them, but most people were.

"Jack as you probably know.......Star Warriors go and grant human's wishes", the one on my left started the conversation off with.

"Yeah what about it?", I asked, looking up at him. He was taller than me, but not by much. He wore all black, dark brown eyes, but cold ice-blue eyes.

He dismissed my lack of formalities and continued.

"Well lately, less people have wanted to train and take the test to become one, as there have been a few accidents", he continued. I nodded to show I was listening.

"Sir....why does that have anything to do with me?", I asked cautiously, using formalities again so I didn't get my ass kicked. Not literally haha.

"Well we did some research on your school and you seem to be pretty popular so this is your job; You are to convince most of your yeargroup to take the test, and you will come as well. We will come in to your classes and talk about the training, and you will convince your classmates it's a good idea, kapeesh?", he said quickly.

I didn't understand half of it, just "convince your classmates to do the training and take the test".

"Well sir I can try, but don't expect too much of me", I said boldly. He stared me down, I returned his glare unflinchingly and he grunted.

"You are bold, that is not the best trait to have if you want to be a Star Warrior", he warned me. I nodded and noticed the other henchman had disappeared.

"Well I'll remain bold, until i start training with you, now if you'll excuse me I have some chores to do at home", I replied coldly. I suddenly realised how tired I was.

"You are hiding something.....The council will find out eventually", he sneered, and walked away.

Great job Jack, making enemies already, and you haven't even started training with them. But that guy's attitude changed dramatically, don't you think? I walked back home, where mum was waiting anxiously.

"Jack!! What happened, tell me everything", mum fretted. I was too tired to explain so I just showed her the memory with my magic. She gasped.

"Well that's great!! You'll be a Star Warrior, just like you wanted!", mum exclaimed. 

"But who will help you with the chores, and hiding bella?", I argued.

"Tsk tsk, I can just duplicate myself, I could've done that your whole life, but I didn't want you being lazy", she explained.

"Oh", I said.

"Just do the training with your peers", she said.

"Okay, I'm going to have a shower be right back", I replied and teleported to the bathroom. Magic powers are great aren't they?

I climbed into the shower after locking the door. I rinsed myself, lathered my body with soap, and washed it off. I cleaned my face, then turned off the shower and climbed out.

I was quite tall for my age, but not so tall I look weird. I have sandy blonde hair, a well built body and violet and ocean blue eyes, making my eyes have the galaxy effect.

Most people class me as 'hot' which is probably the only reason why I'm popular. I snapped my fingers and I was dry and wearing a singlet and tracksuit pants.

I teleported to the kitchen and helped with dinner. We could just make the fold appear but we prefer to make our dinner so we don't feel lazy. Tonight's dinner was chicken parmigiana with honey carrots and mashed potato.

Bella was sitting at the table, waiting patiently. She was chubby in a cute way, with green eyes and a smiling face. She was 7 years of age, so we had to keep her healthy so she didn't die at the age of 8. 

We ate in silence, except for Bella, who chewed with her mouth open. Gross. I took the dirty dishes up to the sink and washed them, then brushed my teeth and headed to bed. 

I stared at the ceiling and fell asleep, dreaming of Star Warriors.

What did you think if the first chapter?? Comment your thoughts cause I have NO IDEA where im going with this!!! 

See ya in the next chapter :)

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