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I woke up with a doozy feeling in my head. I looked around with confusion, of where or why I am here, lying on this ground full of other drunk people? Fuck! What have I been doing all night?

All I could remember was that Cleo and I had some drinks together, danced and after all was blank.

All I am feeling right now, is fear, confusion and a little doze of hangover.

Maybe I partied all night? Did some pretty humiliating and embarrassing things or something like that. I don't know!?!

All I could remember is that, I was still broken, and learned that partying is not the way to mend a broken heart.

I hurriedly got up on my feet, which was a very hard thing to do, with this hangover and doozy feeling in my head. I wanted to throw up.

Holding the feeling of throwing up. I walked outside of the old apartment, where Cleo brought sleep on the floor, for the past few hours. Luckily, Cleo and I had no transportation other than my car.

The collided feelings of pain and regret. I drove the car, straight into my apartment.

I swoosh all my way up from the door to my bathroom.

I always take a shower whenever I think of something or whenever I'm depressed.

I express all the pain and sadness in here cause no one would notice me crying and I couldn't see or feel my tears, it was like my tears were just water coming from the shower and went into my eyes.

It took me an hour in the shower, crying, murmuring and wishing that all the sadness and pain would flow with the water and be rinsed off me.

But it didn't. It took me a while re-think it all. I mean why'd he left me hanging. A simple goodbye could've been enough. But breaking up with me through via text message. My God! That was rude.

I've been like this for weeks now. Since the day, he texted me. The day he broke up with me. I gave him everything I could. Maybe he found someone better. I thought of it this way; Maybe its best for him to be with another person, if that would make him happy, and its okay. I'm happy for him. But no! It isn't that easy to forget, it isn't easy to just un-love a person.
I was staring at the mirror in the bathroom, when I saw a blade. I picked it up. Held it tight. Cried, and about to rip and cut the veins of my wrist.

I wanted to end my life because of him. I was about to cut it and bleed to death, when I realized, he wasn't that important to waste my life for.

That day, that fateful day. I vowed to never fall in love again. Never to get hurt, but to hurt. It was the only way to get vengeance.

Hi! Hello! Hahaha this was supposed to be my Chapter 1 but it was too short so, Prologue it is.
Inspired by the story: Mailboy by: foreversmilin

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