Chapter one

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Hi my name is Trevor and I work at my small costal towns record and vintage video game store. People usually call me Tetris I'm a melanistic German shepherd . Let's just say my shitty day at work got even worse on my way home.
"Click clack click clack" when my claws tapping against the pavement as I was walking home under the moonlight I started to notice the sound of other feet slowly walking behind me as I went. That was when the chase began. I quickly picked up the pace and broke in to a sprint I could hear my heart beating as if it would jump out of my throat. I took a quick look behind me and the last thing I saw was the glint of the knife and my assailants large yellow eyes. The blade tore through my flesh leaving trails of white hot pain behind it . I let out a primal noise as he let out a chuckle "ahhhhhhhhrgggggggggg" repeatedly he stabbed into me slashing and stabbing a whirlwind of my blood and pain. The blood...THE BLOOD it was everywhere soaking into the pavement splattering his shirt like a pollock painting. The sirens began and I felt him lift my body into a car. it's amazing that I serviced long enough for him to dump me slowly losing life and consciousness into a pile of moss,leaf litter, and plants. Keep in mind that this is a key element of my story the plants the moss and the leaf litter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2016 ⏰

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