Airport Trouble 1

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( If you didn't realize, I guess the universe Amber lives in the Avengers exist. f(x) doesn't really see or pay attention to them because they are usually busy but they see them from time to time. Amber is a really big fan of them but can't really fangirl about them all the time)

Amber's pov.

I was currently high in the clouds heading to New York. The sight was always beautiful. If only I could touch them. Of course, there would be nothing. I imagined where the others were.

Krystal & our manager were going to Las Vegas for some fun, to let loose. Victoria & Luna were going to Paris. For the food, scenery and shopping. And the art, which Luna loved. (Just guessing here.) I was happy for them. I was the only one alone because I just felt like it. And besides, Henry & Zhoumi would be in New York in 2 days for a shoot, I texted Henry asking if they could meet up on their free time to hang and he had replied back with a yes and many emojis. They were cool and I was excited for that.

I closed my eyes and put my earphones in. (I'm listening to Battle Cry by Imagine Dragons so I'll just say she's listening to that.) It took 14 hours from Korea to New York(sorry I'm not so specific about places) and I was on here for at least 12 hours. Only 2 more hours to go. I continued to listen to my music and get lost in it. I was in the mood for an action movie all of a sudden and thought 'maybe I should catch a movie when I'm there.' Yeah, that would be awesome.

I closed my eyes and decided to drift away into a feel sleep.
"Excuse me... miss?"


I opened my eyes slowly and realized the plane had stopped. We must have landed.

"Ah, sorry."

I got up and put my bag on. I opened the compartment and took my suite case out. Watching not to hit anybody. All of a sudden I was pushed forward. I tripped over myself but was quick enough to grab the seat and bring myself up. I looked around and saw a kid and his mother.

"I'm so sorry, sir. My son doesn't know how to listen to me. Why can't you stay put Ron!?"

"Its fine." I smiled.

It didn't bother me that she mistakened me for a man but what could I say?Everybody sees things differently so it's not her fault. Only some people could recognize me as a girl but some could not. It didn't really matter to me, I was over all of that stuff already. I was content with the way I am now.

With that over I walked forward towards the door as the lady was thanking us for taking this flight.

"Ahh,fresh air!!"

I stretched my arms out and looked at the sky. So blue. Such a nice day!! That made me feel so excited but I still felt a little drowsy. I looked around for a store and saw one after looking for some time. I looked at my watch and it was only 1:29pm. Just after lunch. I was browsing all the magazines before I got to the food section and decided on a Ham and cheese sandwich with some Sun chips.

I walked up to the register and was looking at all the other things hanging on the wall.

"6 dollars and 38 cents."

"Oh right, sorry!!"

I reached in my backpack to search for my wallet when all of a sudden I heard a women's voice, screaming?
The cashier and I ran to the door and - HOLY CRAP, WHAT THE HELL WERE THOSE THINGS??

I just ran back in the store while the cashier ran. So much people were running and I couldn't move. They were ALIENS?! THAT LOOKED LIKE LIZARDS FROM THAT ONE MOVIE! But that thought carried away as my my stomach rumbled. Ahh. What the hell was I thinking. I looked at my feet and checked back outside. They were running outside attacking people and and I was kind terrified but hungry at the same time.

I quickly thought, I'll jut leave the money and stuff the food in my backpack. Well, that's it. I hurried and dug my money out, put in on the counter, threw the food inside and looked back outside. They were getting closer.

I quietly ran and hid behind a pillar and kept moving. I was also dragging my suite case because I had all my things in there. I DID NOT WANNA BUY MORE CLOTHES AND STUFF. I looked again and they weren't looking and ran but I heard a baby cry. I looked and a women was hiding but the baby wouldn't stop. One of the lizard things were walking up to her and I couldn't move. I looked around and oohh. A bat! What luck? I grabbed it and moved making sure it didn't see me until I was behind another pillar. All of a sudden the lady screamed because the lizard had pulled its weapon out. I quickly ran up behind it and BAM!! I smashed it with the bat but oh well. The bat broke.

"Hshjj xhxjskl cnskoo!!!"

"What the?"

It turned around and hit me in the face. I fell to the ground. All of a sudden, I tasted blood. I touched my face and that was definitely gonna bruise. I felt my wrist being pulled up and I was off the ground. It punched me in the stomach which caused me to scream in pain. He was smiling at me? he just laughed and I had to think quick. I do not wanna die here. Wait, he has another weapon on his waist. I groaned some more and quickly pulled it off and cut his arm off.


I was dropped to the ground and got up quickly. I ran to the women and screamed at her to get up and go. She ran and I looked around, searching for my- there it is. I grabbed my suite case(lol, that is just something I would do. I do not wanna leave my suitecase. I don't think Amber would think about that though. XD)

We quickly ran and I was hissing in pain. I kind of had a limp of course from him dropping me. I mean, I haven't really exercised my feet because I just got off the plane ride but it hurt. Not as much as my mouth and face though. We got to one of the doors and I was pulled back by my collar.

"Jdmxoslavb jdndb jjkd!!"

"Ouch man, what the?!!"

IT WAS ANOTHER LIZARD!!! I looked back and saw at least the lady escaped. It was starting to speak some more but my hearing was starting to fade. I was starting to pass out when I heard a yelling.


I couldn't hear anymore as my vision faded and I passed out.

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