Harry Styles Imagine

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Your POV

This had been the worst day of your life. First, the boys had gone last night to a bar to celebrate Niall's birthday and had come back the next day pissed drunk and out of their minds. Your arms still hurt from hauling Harry up the stairs after he had passed out in the middle of the hallway. Second, management had shouted at the boys intensely for one hour before they realized there were better things to do and left them. Third, Harry still hadn't apologized or offered and explanation as to why he came home so late. Or early, since he came in at the crack of dawn, nearly scaring you half out of your wits when there was a loud pounding at the door at five in the morning.

Oh, and, fourth, your cards had been rejected at Treckstock, even though after you used all your cards. They had said it was an overdue debt I still had to pay.

'Sorry, love. There's nothing we can do.'

Sorry, my ass.

Now it was five thirty, Harry was supposed to come from the studio any minute now. Their rehearsals usually lasted two to three hours max and he had left the apartment that you two shared at one in the afternoon. 

You had made a lovely dinner with a tablecloth and everything. Even some little white flowers in the middle. Hoping that when he came home he wouldn't be mad after that long day. The door of the apartment opened the slammed shut. Harry came in stumbling a bit, but when he lifted his head and you saw his eyes they were green, almost gray. He'd have that color when he was distressed, angry, or turned on. You were thankful, at least he wasn't drunk. He tried to smile, but failed miserably. He did have a bad day at work and that only worried you more. 

"I made dinner." You squeaked out, knowing he wasn't gonna make the first move.

He nodded and started pacing towards the kitchen. When he passed you, his strong arm came to your waist and gave you a peck on the cheek. Usually, he'd kiss you or hold you in his arms for a while murmuring sweet nothings into your ear. There was definitely something wrong. 

You followed him into the kitchen and stayed in the door frame while Harry got a plate and served himself some pasta. It was one of his favorites, spaghetti. Harry sat down and started eating. After each forkful, he'd stare at the wall blankly. It was a bit uncomfortable so you hurriedly got another plate and sat down in front of him. There was an unbearable tension in the air. The only sound was the forks clinking when they hit the plates.

"Why'd you come home late?" You asked. Your voice small.

"We got drunk." His raspy voice answered.


"We were celebrating Niall's birthday. It's tradition."

"Its tradition to get pissed off drunk and come home at the wee hours in the morning?" Your voice was a little bit more forceful now. 

"We were just having a little fun. Back off."

"A little fun?" You shouted at him. "Gee, Harry. I wish I could have a little fun just like you. But no, I have to clean the apartment, make dinner, pay attention to my studies, and still have time for worrying about you when you're out having a little fun."

"Well, what do you want me to do? Tell the boys I can't go because you're being selfish and can't even let me celebrate my mate's birthday!"

Me, selfish? Where the fuck did he come out with that?

"No, Harry! I just want you to care and have a little consideration! I deal with a lot you know!" Both of you had stood up and the warm slowly going cold meals forgotten. With each scream, you took a step forward.

"I care about you, but you're just so goddamn infuriating!" He screamed back.

"I wouldn't be so infuriating if you were here more! We never go out anymore and you're too busy to even notice." Tears pooled in your eyes.

"Its not my fault if I have to work! Who pays the apartment? Who buys the groceries?" He went  with that card. Hell to the naw. "It was so much easier when you lived in your apartment," He muttered, but I heard him perfectly.

"If you wanted me to leave you could've just said so. Spared us all this trouble." You turned and walked out of the kitchen as the first tear slid down your cheek. After that one came many more. Your cheeks were coated with invisible lines by the time you shut the door and locked it. With tears blurring your vision, you went to the closet and got a duffel bag from the highest shelf. It had been there just in case it went to far and you wanted to move out. And this time it definitely went too far. 

The duffel bag was half stuffed with your stuff when there was a slight knock on the door.

"Go away!" You wailed, throwing a loose t-shirt that had been his before you stole it at the door. Even though he wouldn't have felt it.

"Let's talk, love" He knocked on the door again. "We can work this out, just open the door." His tone made you want to crawl over and open it, bit it took all your willpower not to.

"I don't want to see you!" You screamed hiccuping in the end. Sobs shook your body.

"No no, babe. Don't be like that. Just open the door." His tone was calm for a man who had been screaming to his girlfriend just five minutes ago. "Come on."

"Don't call me that!" 

"Y/N if you don't open the door I'm gonna-"

"Gonna what? Break it down? Smash it?" He sighed at your words and slumped down the door.

"I'm not gonna leave until you open up."

It had been half an hour until you finally gave in. When you opened the door, Harry was in a fetus position on the floor asleep. You stepped over him, careful not to wake him up and proceeded to go into the kitchen and clean up what both of you had left. After washing the dishes and cleaning the cabinets with a rag, you walked back to where Harry was still asleep. It looked uncomfortable so you went behind him and took his head in your lap. There, you started running your hands through his hair. He really was beautiful when he wasn't angry. You started humming to the tune of 'I won't give up' by Jason Mraz. His eyelids opened slowly and when he saw you a grin spread across his lovely face. 

He got up and took you in his arms kissing you wherever he could find. A peck on the cheek, on your temple, or your cupid's bow. He held you tight, almost afraid to let go. You hugged back reassuring him that you weren't gonna disappear. 

"Don't let me go."


I dunno, decided to make this. Sorry for typos or anything. Hope you like it! .xx 

The gif is Harry smiling up at you or Y/N idk x)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2013 ⏰

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