chapter one

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I opened the door to my dad's Ford F-150 truck. I jumped down and meet him in front of the truck. "Your lucky I love you Riley" he said. I smiled and walked next to him excited for this New opportunity. My dad being a wwe legend I have always grew up with wwe. When I told dad I wanted to become a diva he told me he would train me. Three years later here I am, 16 years old fixing to start my dream job. "Promise me You won't fly" dad told me taking my hand. "I promise" I said. Part of me didn't want him to be here. I could fend for myself. I did have a drivers licence and told him I could drive myself but he had to come. The other part of me wanted him to be here for me. To support me my first night. I followed him inside and he showed me where the divas locker room is. I walked in and about 20 pairs of eyes looked at me. I glanced around, seeing a familiar face I smiled at her. "Riley so glad your here" Nattie said giving me a hug. I hugged her back "oh my gosh it's been so long" I said. Since my mom left me and Dad Nattie became my mom figure. She was also my best friend. "So are you excited?" she smiled. I walked over to where she had her stuff and Sat my bag of clothes down. We were in Toronto in till tomorrow so I would go home tonight. Finish packing and Nattie would pick me up tomorrow for our flight. "Yes I am, I'm pretty sure dad's scared though" I said. Grabbing my clothes I slipped on my skinny jeans under my dress I was wearing. Slipping off my dress I grabbed my sports bra. Putting it on I took my pink lace bra off and put the tank top on. "How in bloody hell did you do that?" a British voice asked. I turned and looked at her. I instantly recognized her. "Um I don't know" I said "I just did" She nodded and went back to doing whatever she was doing. "That's Paige, don't mind her" Nattie whispered. I nodded putting on my boots. Walking over to the mirror I smiled at my reflection. I looked good. Putting on my jacket I waved at Nattie. "Later Nat" I said walking out the door. Now to find my father.

I turned the corner and slammed into a chest

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I turned the corner and slammed into a chest. "Oof" I said stumbling backwards. "I'm so sorry" I said looking up to see the face of Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns. 'Watch it child, aren't you a little too young to be walking around here?" Ambrose snapped. I squinted my eyes at him. "Excuse you but this happens to be my job" I said. Roman stepped in front of Ambrose and pushed him back. "You must be Edges daughter, if your looking for him he's in catering which is down that hallway to the left" he said pointing down the hallway. "Thank you" I said turning on my heels and walked off towards catering. Gosh Dean was rude. I remember Nattie telling me that he could be rude but I didn't think he was like that. I spotted dad talking with Dolph Ziggler and I made my way over. Sitting beside him I propped my feet up on the table. "Hey you alright?" dad asked me. I looked at him. "Yeah I'm fine" I said. He gave me a look that said I know better. "Dad I'm fine gosh" I said. "Alright" he said. "I talked to Steph, she said that your first match will be against Paige" dad said. I nodded My head and looked to this side as I seen Roman walk in. Thank god he was alone. He spotted me and waved. Waving back my dad gave me a questionable look. "What?" I asked. He shook his head and I waited for my match to start.


I hit Paige with a spear for the win. I stood up exhausted. She shure did put up a fight. Feeling my feet being lifted up off the ground dad had me in his arms. Smiling I hugged him back as I heard Natties music hit. She came down and got in the ring. I smiled at her and she gave me a hug. "Congrats Riley" she said. "Thank you" I said as we walked down the ramp. I walked left dad's side to go to get my bag. I had to have my bags packed for tomorrow. "I'll be there at 9 to get you" Nattie said smiling as she hugged me. "Thanks Nat" I said leaving the locker room. Dad told me he'd be at catering so I made my way to it. Well tried too. I didn't quite remember where it was. I started roaming the corridors. "Hey you lost" I heard a voice. I turned and seen Ambrose. "Uh yeah. Kinda" I said. "What are you trying to find?" he asked me. "Catering" I said. His icy blue eyes looked me up and down. I felt a shiver run through me. "I'll show you" he said walking forward. I followed him and he looked at me. "You did pretty good out there" he said smiling slightly. "Uh thanks" I whispered back smiling. "Hey uh I just want to apologize for being rude earlier. I just was Kinda shitty. Authority" he muttered as we got to catering. "Its okay" I said. "I uh hope we can get to know each other" he said. "Riley" I heard my dad yell. I smiled and nodded. "I uh got to go but yeah" I said. "Cool, you coming tomorrow?" he asked. I nodded and waved bye to him. Getting over to dad he looked at me. "What was that?" he asked squinting his eyes at Dean who was walking towards Roman. "Uh nothing. I just got lost and he was coming here" I said. He nodded and we went home. I packed and took a shower then went to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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