Introducing Me

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I have never written anything in my life. Except for the occasional English assignment, which if I'm being honest I got good reviews on. I don't mean to brag or to sound like a goody-goody. Which I think I am...

Anyway, that's not important. I don't hope to accomplish anything by writing here. Not even a little bit. I'm just a girl who loves to read. Al though, recently, a few of my friends have suggested I should try writing. I honestly have no idea why. I don't think I have anything special to say since my life is not that interesting. So, I really don't know what I am going to write.

God, I sound like a girl with really low self esteem but, I assure you that is not the case here. My self esteem is a measly 85%. I think, I'm not sure. The point is this is something extremely new to me, so please, bear with me.

If you don't like how or what I write about it's okay. I won't take it personal, I might cry for a whole week but...

ANYWAYS, my native tongue is Spanish. So, if you're reading and you see I misspelled a word you can KINDLY leave me a comment and I'll fix it.

Here goes nothing...

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