Chapter 1

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I glided down gracefully with all eyes on me. It was every girls dream to become a bride, all eyes on me. My white gown glistened in the sunlight almost blinding. I reach the aisle and stand there looking at my future husband. This may be to quick so lets rewind the story.

5 months earlier...
My name is Jessica and I am 22, my parents thought is was about time to get married. I graduated early and have became a doctor and I live with my older sister Layla. Today is another day of meeting a man who could become my future husband.

I got up and got into a dressed into a short dress up to my knees and was long sleeves. It has been two months since I have been doing this and I have been through five  guys already.

The first guy was just a plain pervert and a playboy, after two days I didn't even want to see him. The second guy was a lazy man when he came over he would treat our whole household into his workers and maids. The third guy was actually a good one until his ex came back to say she was sorry- it was dramatic and a long story. The forth one was just- can't explain it, it was bad and finally the fifth one he was perfect he was everything I wanted but it looked like he already had a girlfriend and truly didn't love me.

After that I didn't want to do this I hated love because I couldn't find anyone but my sister finally convinced me to do it one last time and if it was bad my parents would stop so I agreed.

I curled my hair and looked into the mirror admire myself in the mirror. I had a black choker and I had simple make-up on, it looked like those girls that are pictured in the make-up shop.

"Jessica, there here!" I heard my sister call from down stairs, I looked at myself one last time "Coming!" I yelled and slowly went downstairs.

On the couch my parents sat and across   three heads, I couldn't see any of there faces. My father motioned me to come and I slowly walked over to the couch. My father stood up and put his arm on my shoulder and introduced me. My eyes were looking at the ground and I couldn't see anything.

I slowly looked up and saw a beautiful women who had a little bit of wrinkles and her hair was very dark and by the lady was a man who had dark hair but mixed with white and one the side was a boy he had bright blue eyes and had dark hair like his parents and when he looked at me he smiled.

When he smiled at me my heart felt heavy and I started to have butterflies. I even thought I could feel my face turn pink a little bit.

I say down across the boy and my parents and his left the room. We were quiet and I looked up slightly to see him and we was looking straight at me and I quickly looked down. "So- Jessica is your name right?" I nodded "My name is Lucas!" He said in a cheerful voice, I looked up and saw he smile brightly and I blushed a little well maybe a lot. "Nice to meet you." I said in a quiet voice.

After that it was quiet again I looked out towards the window where it was slightly raining. "So do you like the rain?" I looked out again "Yes and No." I replied, he looked a bit confused but didn't ask anything.

"How many girls have you been trough." I asked "seven" he replied "and you?" "Five" I answered. "It's annoying to much drama and always for high hopes but something is always wrong." He agreed. "This is pretty awkward". "Yup" I replied and we started laughing for a little.

Our parents returned "so" my father said "I will try" Lucas said, I don't know why but I was surprised. Then everyone looked at me "me too then" everyone cheered maybe this wasn't going to go bad as the other ones.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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