The Judge

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The Judge

The girl entered the elaborate room. It was beautiful and white with many bodies standing. There was two sections divided down the middle with a flaming, double edged sword. One side was hotter and darker the people on that side were crying and begging for a second chance, "a second chance at what?" she thought. The other side had a joyful air about it with a light, white glow and peaceful, happy faces. Some faces she knew, her math teacher, Mr.Foster, her neighbor Kyle Rhodes, all smiling. The girl wished to join them, she thought "Im a good person, I should get on the glowing side easily" She saw a man, he was dressed in elaborate purple robes seated on a large throne. Standing on His right side was a being just like the one on the throne. He wore blue robes. She glanced to his hands and saw holes in them, she rubbed hers out of pain. Beside the man in blue were two beautiful angels standing beside a pillar with a large book. She could not make out the title, it was blury from where she stood. Then He spoke, His voice like thunder. All shook as this man's voice filled the entire place. " you friend step forward" It took the girl a second to realize the beautiful man was pointing to her, she walked slowly forward. His face was stone "Friend, do you know who I am?" she took a second to think then defeated she shook her head "No, I do not" the man was silent, the blue robed man behind him closed his eyes, and bowed his head, she felt uneasy at his reaction for some reason. "Tell me friend how have you lived your life on earth?" "Well, sir I always thought of myself as a good person, but felt like there was something that everyone else had except for me, I was to scared to ask becuause I thought I would look stupid, I thought people would make fun of me like my friends". The man looked at the girl "What do you believe was missing in your life friend? She answered with no hesitation "Well happiness sir, thats all i ever longed for" "Have you ever once thought about me, God?" The girl pondered the name, finally it came to her "Yes, God! I know now who you are sir, I knew you looked familar from paintings I saw of you." "Did you know me in life?" he asked softly "Not really God a few of my friends introduced me to you a couple of times, but I just thought you were fake" "Why did you not listen to your friends? They were my ambassadors they could have shown you the way to me where you would have an overflow of the happiness you so desperately desired, for I only can provide the deepest desires of you heart" the girl was stumped "Well God, now that I see you, I believe you are real."... "Then why not in life, why did you not have the faith of a child?" this time the girl did not answer. She looked to the man in blue and saw a tear stream down his face. The girl felt weak. The man she now knew as God looked to her and said "Girl, please state your name" she knew she was doomed now, this time God did not call her "friend". she looked puzzled "I thought you knew everything God, do you not know my name?" he did not answer. "Please, do not question my power girl I ask again state your name" "Kat Wills" she spoke her voice quivered slightly. God turned to the angles with the large book and said "is Kat Wills in the Lambs Book of Life?" The angles read down the list "No, My Lord Kat Wills is not in the Lambs Book of Life" God turned his head to the man in blue and asked "My son, Jesus do you know Kat Wills?" God turned to Jesus who still looked down, this time he raised His head, though not meeting her gaze. He looked at her, the girl shaking violently as she fell to her knees, "No, Father" he raised his head now to look into her desperate eyes and spoke the most haunting words of all "Depart from me, I never knew you." and he turned his back on the girl. The words shot through her like fire, she collapsed into a heap on the floor "No no this has to be a dream! what will happen to me now?!" "Now, Kat you wil be turned away, angles, take her out of my presence.." She saw the angles swiftly and silently break from the large book and down to her side. "No wait!" she yelled "Jesus, I believe in you now! why are you letting this happen to me!" He turned around, solemnly and slowly as the angels had their stone like hands gripped around her arms "Its to late, you only believe in me becuase you have seen me, you never had faith that I was real" "Aggh!" anger and fear radiated through her body "Why are you letting this happen to me?! dont you call yourself a loving God?!" "Stop" he spoke his hand extending, the angles stood frozen. Relief filled her body for a split second "You dont know me at all..." This time he left the room, now she knew it was all over. "No! please I beg you I beg you! Lord please give me another chance!" her voice was fading as she was being dragged to the other side of the sword, the hot side, the side where she will never know happiness, the side where her friends would never see her again. "Why did they not try harder?!" She sobbed violently and fell to her knees but her anguish was just mixed in with the other millions of doomed souls that surrounded her, Kat Wills the girl who never knew.


This time there was a boy who entered the elaborate room. He had a glow about him he was smiling. He looked to his right and saw the other glowing people, his parents and friends waved at him and smiled back, he did the same. He looked to the left and saw the crying dirty people clamoring for release, and a second chance that he knew they were not going to get. "Lincoln Abrams please step forward" That was the boy, "the Lord knows my name" he smiled and ran at his Lord's feet "Lincoln Abrams, I know who you are, do you know who I am?" Lincoln spoke loudly and confidently "Yes, you are God, my savior" He smiled widely, so did Jesus. "Tell me Lincoln, how did you serve me in the time I have given you?" "Well, Lord I accepted you at church when I was ten years old. Ive fallen short many times, but you were always there to get me back on the right track" "Yes" God smiled and closed his eyes as if he were remembering the life of Lincoln. He looked to the angles and asked "Is the name, Lincoln Adams in the Lambs Book of Life?" They scanned the sacred book and looked to God with with a smile "Yes, my Lord the name Lincoln Adams is in the Lambs Book of Life. A great roar erupted throughout the room and trumpets blasted. Lincoln fell to his knees in happiness. "My son, Jesus do you know Lincoln Adams?" Jesus stepped from behind His Father. He looked at the boy smiling widely "Yes Father, Well done thy good and faithful servant, he paused "my son" "Hahaha!" God laughed with a roar that shook the whole room, "Welcome! Lincoln great servant to my Kingdom!" At that Lincoln walked to join his parents. He saw the girl Kat Wills, his best friend; He never took his eyes off of her. "Im sorry" he mouthed a single tear rushed down his cheek as he watched her body and those around her be consumed by the flames of Hell.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2015 ⏰

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