It was dark and cold everyone was screaming, crying and yelling ever thing was on fire their was meteors crashing in or planet Ethoria. The only thing I remember that night was my family putting me into a space pod they smiled at me and gave me a necklace it was glowing blue the last thing they said to me was "we will find you don't forget that" as I was flying in space I saw my planet explode. I was just A little baby girl when that happened as I saw my planet explode I don't know what hit my space pod but it hit it good my space pod started falling down to a planet called Iastea. This planet was full with wizards,
witches, mifuas, unicorns you name it. After I crashed I don't remember what happened after I crashed but I grow up with the necklace Close to me that was the last thing my family gave me. I am 18 now and I still don't know what I am doing.