Chapter 33- Happy 1st Birthday Juliet!

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An- Pretend the outfit says Juliet not Briley!

Narrator- February 15. Juliet's first birthday. Matt and Gabby got the child up and got her dressed. Her chunky baby legs ran around the house to find her big sister. "Anna!" The one year old called. "I'm right here Goose!" Anna called. Jackson grabbed Anna's hand and Juliet's hand and they went to the kitchen.
After breakfast, the family loaded up in the car and went to the firehouse, where Juliet's party was going to be held.
Once the party started, everyone said,"Happy birthday Juliet!" Juliet giggled. They ate, sang Happy Birthday, and Jackson and Anna helped Juliet open her presents.
While everyone was cleaning up, Jackson was doing homework, Anna was coloring, and Juliet was napping.
At home, Christie and Violet dropped by and they let Juliet open some presents and then had to leave.
Matt and Gabby were happy that Juliet was brought into their lives. They love all 3 of their kids.
They put all 3 kids to bed. "Happy 1st birthday, Juliet."

End of 33! Enjoy!

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