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rise and shine, everybody! haha. today is my first day of school in my new school. i currently moved to a new home because my mom got a better job here. basic, i know. but what can i do besides following her around? i mean i have no one except her.

i walk out of my room, my bag hanging loose on my left shoulder. the air around me smells like toasted bread so i quicken my pace to the dining room. our new home is not really big, but enough for only the two of us. it's comfortable.

"hm.. smells good. morning, mom," i say before kissing her cheek. i toss my bag to a chair and sit down on it.

"morning, jungkook," she replies with a smile on her face. she lifts the pan from the stove with her left hand, while her right hand is holding a wooden spatula. she brings the pan above my awaiting plate on the table, before transferring two pieces of bread from the pan to my plate using the wooden spatula.

i grab my fork and get a smile on my face, a silent way to say thank you to my mom. without questioning, i stab one of the bread on my plate and start eating.


after going through all those things you have to do on your first day of school - going to the principal office, introducing yourself in front of all the classes you have that day, adapting.. - i finally release a breath of relief when i hear the bell that signals lunch time rings. i quickly gather my things and throw them into my bag, not caring how they land in that thing.

as fast as my feet can carry me, i walk to the cafetaria after asking where it is to a girl. i thank god silently because the people in my new school don't have those attitudes i watch in movies, where they bully the new kid or something. they are nice and i'm starting to like it here.

i direct my feet to the queue in the long table, getting a tray to place my food on. a few minutes later i'm out of the queue, bringing my tray around, confused where to sit. seems like every table available is occupied, or it's just my eyes because i'm not used to this kind of crowd.

once again scanning my eyes over the crowd, i find an empty table - well, not literally empty though, because there sits a girl. but at least her table is not very crowded like most of the tables here are. i finally decide to walk over and ask if i can sit there before i run out of time to eat my lunch.

"excuse me," i greet her politely - i hope - when i reach her table. she looks up and stares at me with a confused look on her face. "i was wondering if i could sit here.. since the other tables are full," i smile, letting her know i have no bad intentions in wanting to sit on her table.

it's not long before she reaches beside her and takes her bag, digging around a moment in it before pulling out a small note book and a pen. she starts writing on the note and i'm left standing there like a fool with confusion written all over my face. fortunately my confused face expression doesn't stay long on my face because she shows me what she wrote earlier: sure, you can sit down here. with a smiley on the side. she also shows a smile on her face. i smile back.

"thanks." i sit down across from her and put my tray on the table. i open the package of my bread (yes i eat bread for lunch) and start eating it. i was going to make a conversation with the girl i'm sitting across from, but i think it would be one-way conversation as i would be talking alone. as i am debating whether should i talk with her or not, she taps my arm with her hand to catch my attention. i snap my eyes to her and see her other hand holding up her note.

are you new? i've never seen you around.

i smile sheepishly and swallow the piece of bread i'm currently chewing, before answering her question. "yes," i say while nodding, "i just moved from busan. i'm jungkook," i smile. "what's your name?"

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