Chapter 1

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     It was a fine morning's sunrise in, well, it was thought to be somewhere near the middle of June. The sky was a beautiful soft rose pastel hue that one could most definitely get lost in. "Wake up!!", roared Sam at the very top of his lungs. Sam is a brunette with bangs that laid atop his forehead to where it seemed as though he had no eyes at all. He needed a haircut, and a good one at that. His hair was at a medium length by now and would soon affect his eyesight if he kept it like this. Sam had a lithe body, tawny skin with freckles and you really wouldn't catch him wearing anything other than his favorite light blue jeans, that had a few tears in them, especially near the knees. He was a 4'7, 9 year old who loved to run, eat, and has plenty of asinine activities. He's energetic and meddlesome. It also seems as though he never stops talking. He's the younger brother of Lucille.   Sam was a very outgoing child for sure. It was his birthday as well, so he was sure to be enthusiastic. Even though, he was bound to receive little to no gifts.

   "What is it, Sam?", uttered Lucille sullenly. Lucille is an agender fourteen year old with long, wavy black hair. They have vitiligo and are very beautiful. Their height is 5'2 and an hourglass figure. Lucille has hazel eyes, slightly pointed ears, medium sized lips, and glasses. They always wear their black choker, a t-shirt from a band nobody has ever heard of, jeans, and rainbow converse. The light of their life is their little brother, Sam. They are laid-back, friendly, slightly sassy, like puns, like to draw, and have a crush on Penelope. They really like to draw and are a huge dweeb. Their favorite song is Sonic the Hedgehog's theme. Sam then pranced excitedly, chanting: "Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, ha-" Lucille placed one hand over his mouth and managed to sigh before he licked their hand, moon-walking, and gave them a look that spoke 'you've been struck by a smooth criminal'. They exchanged looks, his being a smirk and two squinted eyes, theirs being a look of dismay. He raised an eyebrow and this was it. They began chasing after him frantically. Once they caught up to him, they tackled him and pushed his arms onto the ground. " Try to move, I dare you." He chuckled slightly. They stood above him and moved away. They both exchanged laughs.

     "I have a present for you. It's not much, but we don't have much." They handed him a small jewelry box, and inside was a small necklace with a turquoise crystal attached. "I love it, bear!!", exclaimed Sam. "I thought you might.", Lucille chuckled. "It is your birthday after all."

    Lucille had moved away to go look off the edge of the boat from the front. Now was about the time everyone was waking up, especially after the ecstatic voice of Sam. "Geez, could you be any louder, Sam?", spoke a very irritated Penelope, rubbing her eyes in weariness. Penelope is a transgender girl with short, bleach blonde hair. She is 6'0 ft and at the age of 15. Penelope has freckles, dimples, and a baby face. She has a lean body and wears a ringer t-shirt with a rainbow across the chest, black jeans, with the addition of white Doc Martens. Penelope is the type of gorgeous where everyone is too afraid to talk to her, but she's also very picky. Sam grinned. "Yes, actually. Wanna hear?" "I'm sorry I asked." She was vexed by his comment. Lucille was now walking back over after hearing the conversation. They were reaching out to hug Penelope from behind, but right as they were about to do so, Penelope moved away. Lucille fell to the floor face forward, dust surrounding them, like they were the wind that was creating a sandstorm.

   "...Ow.", they said, muffled and aggravated. Maya was now entering the deck, noticing Lucille, she ran over to assist them. Maya is a 16 year old female, who's 5'7. She has brown and blonde ombré hair with a medium length. Maya has blue eyes and pale pink skin. She is a perfect weight with curves. Maya has a button nose and still looks younger than she is. She's a babe and bisexual but very shy. Bad self-esteem would also be on the list of traits. She is almost always on her phone and really likes watching anime. She really likes fonts and has opinions on each one. She writes on Wattpad and loves many nerdy things. "Are you okay?", she asked, very concerned. "Do you need ice or anything? I'll look something up on my pho-" Lucille placed their index finger over her lips. "I'm fine.", they stated. "Just calm down." Maya closed her eyes and took a couple of breaths. "Okay, I'm good.", she said calmly. "Anyways, what happened?", Maya questioned. Lucille blushed slightly. "Oh, y'know I uh-", they hesitated, "I fell." "Yes, I know that. Why?", Maya raised an eyebrow. "Oh, hey, look! It's Zelda!" Lucille had just changed the subject, but Maya didn't really seem to acknowledge because her best friend had just walked out. Zelda is a 14 year old, 5'3, bigender kid with long, wavy, purple hair and glasses. Her nose is slightly pointed and skinny. She has green eyes and wears a cat sweater along with leggings, cat socks, and hello kitty converse. She is highly intelligent, likes to doodle on school papers, cute, very nice, and content with life. Zelda thinks 'your face' jokes are funny and always wears the same sweater. She likes Undertale, dogs, and sewing.

        "What up my cinnamon-bscotch pie?", Zelda joked. Penelope had taken her earbuds out the moment Zelda said that. "Oh my god, could you not be into Undertale for like, two seconds please?", Penelope really wasn't in the mood for jokes right now. "Looks like someone needs a nice cream.", Zelda muttered. This caused Maya to giggle and they both exchanged laughs. "Anyways, would anyone like to see my new drawing?", Zelda asked. "I do, I do!", basically everyone except for Penelope chanted. Zelda held out a drawing of a puppy and everyone stated things like: 'I love it!' and 'That's really good!'. She smiled and then looked up at the sky.

     "Woah!", she said, "It is such a lovely day." She lied down, accompanied by everyone else. "It's so pretty!", Maya spoke with excitement. "I can see a cat!", Sam said. "I can see a dog!", Lucille claimed. Penelope looked over and shouted, "This is not 'Don't Hug Me I'm Scared'!" Everyone started laughing until Maya claimed, "I wish it were." Silence filled the deck. "Well, that was awkward.", Maya said. "Y'know what else is awkward?", Zelda asked. Not. Again. "Your face." Everyone sighed, except for Maya, who giggled.

      Suddenly, everyone heard a loud voice. "SHUT UP, GUYS!!". Everyone knew this voice. This was Toby, the oldest of the bunch, being 17 and 5'9. He really didn't want to wake up. Toby is a transgender boy, who had short, blue hair. He always seems to wear his hoodie, even if it happens to be summer. He loves Steven Universe, and has a very interesting fashion sense. This means, he wears things in combination, for example, band t-shirts along with sweatpants and flip-flops. Nobody really understood this, but let it happen anyways. He is basically a tumblr boy, loves memes, and is very shy. He also has a tendency to refer to everyone as 'my guy' or 'my dudes'. He finally arose, though, with messy hair and a frustrated expression. "Do you guys not know how to be quiet around here?", he stated angrily. "Toby, it's like 2pm.", Lucille said. "Yeah, but don't you have anything better to do?" "Apparently, wake you up.", Penelope said, rolling her eyes. He finally sat down with them, then proceeded to look up at the sky and sigh. This, was going to be a long trip.

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