The Visit

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                                       The Visit

I was sitting at the last seat on the second row of our classroom when I felt my chair shaking as if someone’s tricking. I’ve been dragged into the poem I’m writing for the contest this coming Saturday and now someone is distracting me.

      “Jeff—“, I was about to yell and say how busy I am but when I turn to look behind me, he was not there. Either his friends weren’t there. Then my mind that had been busy for the last few days for the poem writing contest remembered that Jeffrey is dead. Slowly, I turn back my face to the paper in front of me, holding my pen but I don’t think I can write anymore after what I just remembered. I rub my forehead and try to think straight. Jeffrey has been my best friend since our fresh man year. He is also a major headache to everyone at school, especially to the teachers and I bet only few here cares about his sudden death. If only they know his real nature.

      “I’m sorry.”, I whisper in the air with my eyes closed, apologizing to him. Feeling sorry for him. I fix my things and stood up to leave the room afterwards. I am the only one left on the floor. It’s been an hour since all the classes were dismissed and there are only few students left wandering around the campus. I put on my dark eyeglass to cover my stinging eyes and walk down the stairs. Jeffrey’s body will be bury this Friday and tonight will be the last night for visits but I haven’t been there yet. I walk at the parking lot and when the driver opens the door, I quickly slip myself in and try to relax. I last saw Jeffrey at the hospital when he was in comatose and that was five days ago. I never come back there after that. I just ask his buddies for some news about him until they told me he didn’t make it. They encouraged me a lot of time to go and see him but I always say ‘no’. I don’t want to see him lifeless! And I’m just not used seeing him so behave… specially when inside that coffin.

I jump to my bed and ready myself for some good sleep when I felt a cold rush of wind pass through me. It brings shiver to my body and I look around to see that the window is half-opened. I let out a deep breath and with no hesitation; I step out of bed to close the window. As I turn round to go back, I smelled a familiar scent and there! Standing at the side of my bed is Jeffrey! I blink hard many times but the blurry image is still there.

      “J-jeff?!”, I asked in wide eyes. I am not afraid but just surprised to see him there in front of me though I could always feel his presence with me.

      “I see, you’re too busy to visit me so I came here.”, he said in his normal voice and though he’s quite blurry, I know he smiles.

      “I’m sorry. I’ve got to finish the poem but I promise I will be there tomorrow.”, I said honestly. All the while I feel guilty for not visiting him.

      “I know. But I missed you that’s why I came here. This might be the last, Annika.”, he replied as he walk towards me and spread his arms like he will hug me. But before he could get a lot closer, the image of him grew more to a blur until it’s completely gone. From there I was able to move and…

      “Hah!”, I yell as I rise abruptly and found no one inside the room but me. I cover my face and realized I’m just dreaming. Jeffrey visited me in my dream. I glance at the alarm clock beside my bed which keeps ringing and press it to stop. It’s already 9am. I sigh as I walk to the bathroom for a quick shower. Today will be the last day for Jeffrey to stay above ground.

I came early at the Amietta residence and saw Jeffrey’s coffin still open. I walk towards it nervously but then Mrs. Amietta blocked my way.

      “I knew you’ll come, Annika.”, she blurt out and hug me tight and all of the sudden I fell her sadness. It must be really hard for a mother to lose her only son. She pulls away herself away from me to wipe his flushed face. “I’ll get you something to drink.”, she said plastering a smile on her face and before I could say a word, she was gone to the kitchen. Again, I take a deep breath and continue walking to the coffin. I saw Jeffrey’s four buddies sitting at the nearest sofa in one corner, obviously having a hard time not to cry. Some people are talking but I couldn’t hear them. My heart’s loud pounding is all I could hear at the moment until I reached him. I lay a hand on the glass of the coffin and stare at the behaved Jeffrey inside it as I recall what the police sad about the incident. He said Jeff was ambushed by this teenage gang that night. He tried to fight back but obviously he didn’t make it. A witness saw it and report to the police but until now they haven’t found anyone responsible for it. I touch my neck and trace the necklace hanging there. The police said they found it at Jeffrey’s pocket and it has my name on the card saying ‘belated happy birthday to my best buddy’. I cried a lot at the time I read it but after that day, no more tears came out. Maybe I’m drained or more of because I can still feel his presence everytime.

I’m sitting at the row of chairs that are arranged above the stage, holding my poem in a folder while feeling exhausted from the burial yesterday. I look down and saw my mom and my class adviser, both smiling at me with encouragement. I just smile too. It’s quite strange that I’m not feeling nervous now but I really am thankful that I’m not. I need to read this poem clearly. After a few moments, the host called my name and I stood up in front to get the stage. I draw a deep breath before I start.

      “The title of the poem I’m about to read is ‘To be with a Misbehaved’.”, I said. I saw everyone’s reaction grew. Some are disgusted; some are shocked and most doesn’t care. Everyone in our campus knew me as the girl closest to the ‘misbehaved’. I continue reading the poem and ignore everyone around. I’m very happy and proud of myself when finished it without tripping on the words or crying. I look again at the people watching and saw some of them crying, covering their faces and smiling with teary-eyes. I caught everyone’s heart and attention with my poem so I grab the opportunity to give a little talk.

      “I just wanted to add something.”, I said looking back at the host for permission and she nods at me. “This poem is about and for someone we all knew as the school’s major headache and m-misbehaved.”, I said and swallowed what seem to block my throat and continue. “He isn’t really the one you think he is. If you only tried to look closer to his personality, you’ll know he’s far from the street fighter character in your mind. He is someone tough but kind and…”, I cut off suddenly, feeling my cheeks and eyes grew hot. Then it came out… I broke into tears. I don’t know why now it feels so heavy inside me but I m he’s far from the street fighter character in your mind. He is someone tough but kind and…”, I cut off suddenly, feeling my cheeks and eyes grew hot. Then it came out… I broke into tears. I don’t know why now it feels so heavy inside me but I must go on and finish what I’ve started. So I continue between sobbing and trembling voice.

      “H-he is… someone… f-five feet under the g-ground now. B-but also someone I’ll never e-ever forget.”

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