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It was funny how the two of you came to meet for the first time. It was like love at first sight and you knew that Hakyeon felt the same way about this, even when he says that he found you a bit weird when he first saw you. You were on vacation in South Korea and were sightseeing when you dropped your booklet with information without noticing. It was Hakyeon who picked it up and brought it back to you. Following you to your scooter. You took the booklet with a smile, thanking him in your broken Korean. After that you looked up to him, sparks just flew. His dark, but gentle, eyes locked into yours, tanner skin in contrast to most Korean people you have met until now. A smile on his soft face, though you could see that his jawline was really defined. Dark hair framed his head, as it had a natural shine thanks to the sun shining down on it. "Uhm, thank you again." You said when you noticed that you had been staring at him for a good five minutes now. "You are welcome, so what's your name?" "(Y/N), nice to meet you." "Same goes for me, I'm Hakyeon." You shook his hand, looking at your watch after that. "I would love to stay and talk Hakyeon, but I have to go to my next destination now." "Where are you going next?" He asked you as you placed your jet black helm on your head. "There is a fair nearby and I really wanted to go there." You looked at the extra helm on your scooter, a dark blue one. Your best friend was wondering around somewhere, but as she didn't want to go to the fair she told you to go by yourself. "If you have the time you can come with me." You hold out the helm out to him, a soft smile on your face. "Well, I can't resist that smiling face, can I? I would like to go with you."

The two of you drove, the wind on your faces and casually talking above the noises of the cars around you. It was all calm and he was actually someone with who you can talk to quite easily. On the fair, the two of you really found out how much you actually clicked. Loving the same attractions and wanting to buy the same snacks. Even when you joked about buying a headband with cat ears on them he happily agreed that he would look rather cute with them and actually had them on his head for the rest of the day, wearing them with a proud smile on his face. You came to learn a whole lot about the boy while the two of you took a break of all the attractions and drinking some cold slushies at one of the many stands of the fair. You came to know that this guy was a lot more than just handsome looks and a kind nature. He was someone with big dreams, someone who was working hard to make those dreams come true. He was someone who is a born leader, someone who is always looking out for the people he cares about. He is someone who you can rely on without worrying that he just leaves you behind. He was also who was talk active and a bit loud, there was always something that came up in him to talk about it. He had a good sense of humor too, making you laugh and smile that day more than that you did previously on your vacation. "Hey (Y/N)! Let's go on the Ferris wheel!" He suggested when it was becoming darker, the day coming to an end and the stars shining down from the sky. You agreed it to be the last ride for the day, as the fair would close down soon. As you were on it, you just enjoyed the view while you and Hakyeon were being silent. "The lights are so beautiful" your voice was soft but clearly understandable to Hakyeon who was standing right next to you. "It is, do you know what even more beautiful?" You turned yourself to him, so you could look up at him. "No, what is?" "I am of course! You chuckled while softly punching him on his arm. "For a moment I thought you were going to be really cheesy." He gave you an amazing smile as you felt your heart speeding up once more. Loving the way his whole face just lighted up because of that smile. He looked amazing that way.

After that day, you did spend the next days of your vacation with him. Him showing you all the beautiful places that he could think of. The thing you could remember well was the time that he took you to a park, third day in and five days to go until you would have to go back to your own country. Hakyeon and you were having a picnic, with all of your favourite fruits and other healthy snacks. Sun shining down on the park and it being just the right temperature to picnic. Everything just seemed perfect. Even if it was just two friends hanging out and joking around. "(Y/N), catch" Hakyeon threw a grape at you, expecting you to actually catch it in your mouth. But as you weren't ready, it bounced back from your nose, landing back on the blanket the two of you were sitting on. Hakyeon started laughing while a light blush appeared on your face. "I'm sorry, but you just looked adorable." He said after he was done laughing at you, patting your head after that as a short apology. A street artist started playing on his guitar, drawing a small audience around you. This brought Hakyeon to his next idea. "Can I have this dance?" He was standing now, holding out his hand for you to grab which you, of course, couldn't resist but to take. And that's how you two started dancing, not even caring when the music stopped, swaying to no rhythm at all as Hakyeon took the lead. Tipping you over and spinning you around while laughing softly at the big smile that was on your face. It was just basically the two of you being the weird friends that you were, and, therefore, getting weird looks from some people. But honestly, from your perspective that didn't matter. This was a moment between you and Hakyeon and no one else.

Another good memory was that second to last day. You would be leaving the next day around noon and Hakyeon decided to take you to the beach to watch the sunset with you. You coming there a few hours before hand, just talking and playing in the sand is what happened in those few hours. Until the two of you sat down to watch the sun go down, Hakyeon's arm snaked around your waist, and your head resting on his shoulder. It was this evening that Hakyeon kissed you for the first time. Even when he knew that you would be leaving the next day and that he wouldn't be able to have you around for a long while, he had fallen for you in a short period of time. And he couldn't keep these feelings down any longer. Kissing you as the sun went completely down. The kiss was tender and spontaneous, something you came to know was a thing that would happen with every following kiss. Every kiss that you shared with Hakyeon was as if he wouldn't be able to kiss you ever again, filled with a lot of emotion. Plush lips that felt warm on yours, seeming to fit perfectly.
Maybe it was because of the fact that the two of you knew each other's feelings that the next day was so emotional. On the airport you hugged for a good five minutes, Hakyeon had tears in his eyes while kissing you one more time. Promising you that this relationship was meant to stay and that the two of you would pull through the long distance, that he would find a way to make you feel loved even when he isn't next to you.
And he wasn't lying that day. To this day that vacation was the best one you ever had. Meeting Hakyeon had been destiny, it had been faith. Having such a distance between the two of you was really hard, yes, but with a lot of time put into it, you were able to get through it with only little fights that were over within 24 hours. Fights that all couples had. By skyping, sending each other little presents whenever you felt like it was a good time to do so and by texting and calling a lot, the two of you stayed a loving couple. And now you were living together with him, after having a long distance relationship for two years you finally decided to move to South Korea to be with him.

"Yah! What are you even thinking about?" Hakyeon snapped his fingers in front of your eyes, waking you from your thoughts. "Hmm?" "You weren't listening to a thing I was saying, were you?" Hakyeon looked a whole lot different from that first time you had met him, yet he still was the same kind hearted and handsome guy you had fallen for all those years ago. "I wasn't, but I have a good reason for it." He crooked his eyebrow, waiting for your explanation. "I was just thinking about how we came to meet, how our love story started as if it was from a cheesy 90's movie." He chuckled, cherishing your cheek after that. "Yeah, one can compare it to that, but I will always call it faith. One other decision made and we wouldn't have been sitting here like we are now." He moved in closer to you, leaning over you as he pushed you down on the couch. "And I would do it all over, I love you more than I would ever love anyone else and the hurt I sometimes felt thanks to the long distance between us was all worth it. Loving me back even when you have to miss your family and friends for it. Thank you for everything." His voice was a low, soft whisper. But due him being so close to you it was easily heard. "I love you too Hakyeon." You said, before his lips crashed into yours once again, letting you feel his love for you all over again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2016 ⏰

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