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Hakyeon (N)

N would kiss you the same way as the man would dance. He would be full of confidence, leaving you in a daze and mesmerized every time again. Being very gentle at first, pulling you closer to him just for his arms to snake around your waist and to pull you even closer until his lips met yours. It would be spontaneous and tender, his plush lips smelling and tasting like one of his many lip balms, sweet and waxy. When the two of you would part, he would give you one of his famous and bright smiles. Making you blush a bit, he would find it cute. He would probably brush one of his thumbs across your lower lips to close it off. "Seems like you are wearing my lip balm now love."

Taekwoon (Leo)

Leo would almost always either taste like mint toothpaste or black coffee. Depending on which time of the day he would kiss you. There would be lots of times that he would kiss you in the early morning as if he would want to kiss you awake. Morning kisses would include you becoming more awake and wanting more, arching your back up so you can taste more of him. Of his sweetness that somehow still came through that taste of coffee or toothpaste. Leo would playfully pull back as soon as you would do that, bright eyes and a crooked, but bright, smile on his face. After giving you one more peck on your lips he would leave you alone in the room so you can get ready while he would work on a breakfast for the two of you.

Jaehwan (Ken)

He would kiss you the most. Sharing kisses with you whenever he could just to show you once again how much he loves you. Kisses would be a bit different every time. Sometimes they were really soft and gentle. Pecking your lips many times. Other times he would start by pecking your forehead, eyelids, nose and cheeks before finally kissing your lips. Leaving you to be a giggling mess. But there were times too that he would kiss you with all the passion of the world, pulling you in out of nowhere and biting your lower lip before letting go of you. Leaving you with a blush across your cheeks and ears. Though his kisses were different every time, you could feel the emotions he puts in them every time again, reminding you of how much he loves you with every single kiss.

Wonshik (Ravi)

Goodnight kisses all the way, lots of kissing before going to bed or before taking a nap would be yours and his thing. Even when he is away on tour or is still working on a song in the building of Jellyfish Ent. He will call you up to wish you a good night rest, telling you that he wished that he could be there to wish you a good night. The kisses always start out around the same way, his nose brushing against yours as he pulls you closer, one of his hands on the curves of your hips the other on your cheek. Feeling his breath against your lips until your and his lips finally meet. Deep and tender kisses will be shared. This will be until you would let out a small sound of pleasure, that or you will need to pull away to get some air. Making Ravi chuckle. "You're so adorable Yagi." He would tell you, voice soft, before giving you one last kiss on your temple.


Hongbin is someone to sneak in very close before kissing you, showing his cheek dimples as his grin is very much visible. Knowing how much you loved seeing him smile like that, finding his dimples very attractive and cute at the same time. I can see Hongbin kiss with a lot of passion, that and a lot of lip biting. Taking your lower lip and biting it softly. Kisses would always come fast and unexpected but were always full of love for you. Even when they weren't always tender and were messy most of the time. Kissing somehow always ended up in cuddles and your head on his lap while the two of you just enjoyed each other's presence.

Sanghyuk (Hyuk)

Hyuk would be the most aggressive while kissing. Always pushing you against a wall when he can. Though he kisses aggressively, he will always make sure that you're 100% okay with him pushing you against the wall, closing you in while looking into your eyes. His deep brown eyes hooking into your eyes while he comes in even closer. Your arms snaked around his neck while his hands would rest on your hips. He would kiss with a lot of passion, making it intense, but it was always filled with love too. Making your heart beat faster than it normally does. You would lean back against the wall, breaking the kiss slightly. Blushing like crazy and with a very smug Hyuk in front of you. He would chuckle when he would see your blushing face "It's so adorable how fast you become flustered (Y/N)" He would say before taking you chin between his thumb and pointer finger and kissing you again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2016 ⏰

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