The Secret

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    Skylar's pov

"Kaz I can't believe you!" Oliver shouts at Kaz. "What do you mean?" Kaz asks. "You got us three stuck in detention!" Oliver shouts as he clenches his fist.
This is just about what happens every single day. Oliver and Kaz even though they are suppose to be best friends fight like cats and dogs. And I usually have to break it up.
"Hey it's not my fault that I can easily frame you guys." Kaz says laughing. "Oh you think that's funny?" Oliver asks. "Okay guys that's enough." I say rolling my eyes.
"No it's not, I'm sick and tired of him always getting us into trouble." Oliver says looking like he is about ready to punch him. "That's not true I don't always get you guys in trouble, I usually do." Kaz said matter-o-factly. "That's it!" Oliver yells and tackles Kaz. The boys lay on the floor wrestling. "Ugh" I sigh as I walk over and pull them off of each other. "Seriously guys this is getting ridiculous!" I scream "You guys have been at it for a couple of weeks now and I want to know what is going on!" I scream stomping my foot down.
I look at the two boys waiting for a response. "Well?" I ask after thirty seconds of waiting for an answer. "I have just been in a bad mood lately it's nothing." Oliver replies and Kaz nods in agreement. "Ok then but this better stop." I say walking away.
I hear them mumbling rude stuff to each other as I walk away.
I'm not stupid and I know this is more then just them having a bad day and I'm going to figure out exactly what they are hiding from me.

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